PJ Days

  • 13 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hi peeps! Soz I've bn a bit quiet & not inputted much lately. 

Bn a lady of leisure (can I really call it that?).

Haven't bn at work for 2 weeks now & have 2 make up my mind wot I should b doing. My brain isn't pickled yet but the body (particularly this lymphedema arm/hand) is proving 2 b my downfall. Can't believe that all the flippin treatments I've bn through & it's this that stops everything. 

Little Miss Independent is incapable of doing much - driving, dressing (in anything other than baggy tshirts & loose denim shirts!), lifting anything, walking the dogs...oh the list could go on. Wot a whinge I am 2day.

I had a CT scan last week but not due 2 c Onc till 21st Feb (long time 2 normally c him), however his side kick BCN will probs fill me in - not expecting it 2 b brill & as it was only 6 days after the start of my latest chemo regime I doubt there's gonna a miracle.

Chums have bn v good about keeping my spirits up but sometimes u just cant b a****!. Never bn a PJ girl but 2day why bother.

Anyone else feeling the same? And how r u lifting ur spirits?

#glum #bored #wotnxt

WB xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Oh Tvman u r not far off. I don't wear onesies as they should b worn ( bedtime/lounging etc) but have bn known 2 b kitted out in them when we have our annual dress up day 2 celebrate World Book Day at the library:

    1st time: had on a cow design one & everyone said "oh ur a dalmatian!" despite the fact there were udders, & horns coming out of my head

    2 years ago: sliced & diced ladybird onesie so I could become a ladybird with wings

    And one year we were "Goodies & Baddies" & I spent the whole day in  Cruella de Ville costume complete with a feather boa which just casted its feathers throughout the building. I also ended up with a black tide mark around my forehead that I didnt notice till I had finished my shopping in Tesco once I was out of the v fetching wig.

    I'm sure not all this was in my job description!!!!!

    And btw I am a little blonde lady (4ft 11 & probs still shrinking - was 5ft 2 b4 C!!!!)

    Now sitting with feet up as decided 2 walk home from town - v silly girl as it's up hill. Still at least maybe I will sleep 2nite :)


    WB x

  • Hi

    I remembered your self description of height, or lack of it lol Joy but good things come in small parcels.

    Some people who met you have a strange idea of what a dalmatian looks like! 

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hi 

    I remembered your self description of height, or lack of it lol Joy but good things come in small parcels.

    Some people who met you have a strange idea of what a dalmatian looks like! 

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.