Cup Runeth Over

  • 12 replies
  • 42 subscribers

So wot more can life throw at me? I've had a painful arm 4 some time now - thought it was nerve pain due 2 enlarged lymph node pressing on a nerve. But the last couple of weeks noticed arm is swelling. But last week & this week I've swelled up like Popeye!! 2day my hand was so enlarged. I've given up driving temporarily until I get some relief as struggling 2 use the handbrake.  Doc sending me 4 an urgent ultrasound 2morrow 2 rule out a DVT. Quite possibly its lymphedema. Last night was a night from hell 4 sleep. Wot was worse? The arm or alien boob which was throbbing.

This is all a worry as due 2 start new chemo this Fri & it leaves me with just one usable hand 4 the chemo & one arm 4 the bloods...

Oh woe is me...

Night all

WB xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello wee blonde, you have certainly taken a bashing! How do you remain so positive and cheerful? I am sorry you have swelled up like popeye and must advise you not to eat any more spinach! Seriously though, I am so sorry you are in such pain and hope you get this sorted soon and  you get a good nights sleep, your posts always make me laugh and when this happens I just want to give you a big gentle hug and make your pain go away. I hope they are able to tackle it before Friday so the swelling goes down and you are back to your lovely funny self. Hope you manage to get some sleep tonight. Love and hugs pat xxx 

  • Hi WB,

    I hope that you are asleep and don't read this for many hours.  I also that hope the ultrasound goes well today and that you get a "good" result.

    Wishing you all the best and sending love and hugs,

    Gragon xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi wee blonde 

    just to say I hope you feel better soon and you have a. Good sleep.Nothing worse when I can’t sleep.Good. Luck for your Chemo too.

        Take care Blush

  • Oh WB, I hope you have slept well and that you find out what's happening. Hope it doesn't affect your treatment.

    Take care


    Flowerlady x
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to flowerlady

    Thank u friends 4 all the lovely comments. Remarkablely I did sleep all night last night (plugged into my iPad as usual). I thought if I picked the most boring program ever I'd fall asleep - & I did!

    Swelling in hand has reduced but it tends 2 do that. By the end of the day it resembled a gorilla! And when ur a tiny 4ft 11" that really is something.

    Off 4 a final walk with daughter & dogs b4 she heads back 2 uni. Its v v windy up here & down the route she needs 2 take - will only b happy when I hear she's at her flat.

    Ciao peeps

    WB XX

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi WB

    It’s always the unexpected thing that hits you round the face like a wet kipper. I’ve had lymphoedema in my legs and found it uncomfortable and unpleasant. It’s much improved after starting on blood thinners as it was down to a tumour/thrombus that’s blocking the blood vessels around the kidney. My kidney has stopped working but that’s not a biggie - I’ve got another one. The main thing  is my legs look like legs again. 

    I hope they find a cause - and more important an answer 


    ps did daughter make it to uni safely? 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi wb

    i have lymphoedema in left arm where lymph nodes were removed with mastectomy. I wear a very attractive tight arm bandage and separate hand bandage,i think it is getting worse ,going back to clinic in couple of weeks,it is a bit uncomfortable but nowhere near as yours sounds .You really are trying to visit every department in the hospital,as so many of us are . I was offered an arm bandage with tattoos,not really my thing ,but a thought !

    hope your daughter is back at uni and you are sorted 

    DALONI ,i only have one kidney and manage quite well atm , hope your treatment on the trial works wonders 

    positive thoughts all



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    it also means only have bloods ,iv s etc in right arm which has proved difficult,but managed so far ,as so many do 

    hope they (whoever they are } find a cause and treat quickly



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Daloni I love the wet kipper bit haha.

    So scan has revealed no clot (hurrah!) but it does look like lymphedema so being referred 4 a compression sleeve & arm (that should b the start of nxt week).

    BCN has suggested gentle upward massage 2 try & disperse the fluid - well my dear husband would never make a masseuse! I told it had 2 b light feathery sweeps - ouch so heavy handed...and not a bit romantic haha.

    Chemo will go ahead on Fri. Doc was so nice phoning me 2nite & last nite 2 c how I was doing & give me an update on future plans. Says the duty oncologist might try 2 gst my CT scan brought 4ward.

    I am so grateful 2 the NHS but really wish I didn't need it.

    Daughter did make it down the windswept A9 2 get down 2 Edinburgh safely. However she has 2 travel along the A1 2morrow 2 c her new placement school- this road was closed by the police due 2 the wind & 2 lorries blew over after they disobeyed the police instructions. Will b worried 4 my babe 2morrow again.

    Take care everyone

    WB xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi WB, Glad the swelling is going down and your daughter is safe. I developed a rear end like Kim Kardashion with my lymphedema, the only trouble was that it swung widely from side to side when I walked! The "attractive " beige stockings helped a bit. This is a very attractive illness lol,you look like a gorilla, Daloni is black and blue, someone else is yellow,  another is one armed and I am wobbling along side you like jelly on a plate! I am sure we could set ourselves up as an alternative group of some sort! I hope you continue to shrink and everyone else is healing. At least we should recognise our group if we ever meet up haha Lots of love to all xxx