
  • 16 replies
  • 42 subscribers


New to this group, I normally give help and advice on the Prostate Cancer group, I’ve had incurable PC for three and a half years, it’s also in my spine, pelvis, ribs and shoulders, apart from that, I have gout, high cholesterol, arthritis, two slipped discs, and a stomach problem, but hey ho.

I am a very easy going type of person, I give friendly help and advice and support, people who are new to this disease, maybe not a stage four, but worried and stressed, don’t get me wrong I get stressed, but I worry more for my wife who is thirteen years younger and also my carer. 
To everyone out there, while we’re still here there’s always the chance that a wonder drug is just round the corner, I keep faith in that.

A Happy New Year To Us All

take care


  • Hey there Joe, 

    Welcome to the group, though I'm sorry you need to be here. 

    Out of interest, what's made you take the step to joining us here today after all this time?



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember

    Hey Jo

    welcome! I think most of us here will say we worry more for someone else but admit we get stressed too. I know I do. In my case, it’s my girls, who are 19 and 15. 

    I agree with you about a wonder drug. I am on the hunt - on my third clinical trial now. Who knows? Maybe this is the one.

    Looking forward to getting to know you 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi welcome to the group, sounds like you know your way around the site! And a happy Hogmanay back xxxx

  • Hi

    I joined the group to broaden my horizons, I’ve been through a lot scans tests x rays tubes here and there, I only found out a couple of months ago I have a heart murmur, but I keep rolling on.

    In the prostate group, there are many frightened people male and female and friendly chat helps relieve them. Also those that have never had tests what to expect and what questions to ask.

    To us it may seem straight forward, but to others it’s priceless.

    take care


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to joeven

    Hi Joe 

    I agree 100%. I used to spend a lot of time on the womb cancer group, reassuring those who were terrified and explaining about tests, waiting times and so on. The patient perspective is so different to that of the health professionals. I’ve found as time has gone on and I’ve got further from my first diagnosis that I have less to offer the people new to the womb group and, in the natural order of things, others took over. So I’ve mostly stepped back from the womb group now  


  • Hi Joe Welcome to the group and a Happy New Year! When I joined the site at first, I read the posts in the Melanoma Group but didn't contribute much. As you say people were just asking what questions to ask their oncologist and what to expect next. I had gone straight to Stage 4 terminal, saw oncologist on the Thursday and was being operated on the following Tuesday, I felt like a tornado had hit! A few ops later, I was on a trial drug (but not the trial) and it started to work for me. I didn't use the word terminal be t instead said incurable because I was being treated. That's when I found this group and felt at home almost immediately. I knew I wasn't scaring anyone talking about side effects etc. I eventually even stopped reading the posts in the Melanoma group.

    I hope you will find this group a help to you and the wonder drug you referred to is getting closer and closer by the month. I know I have been very lucky the drug worked for me and I honestly can't believe I'm still here in 2020 starting a new decade! I do think it is easier for us than our partners,spouses, families etc and definitely wouldn't like it if the tables were turned! I have hope that cures are about to be discovered for a lot of cancers and pray it happens sooner rather than later!

    I hope you'll enjoy the chat here!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hello Annette

    Thanks for the reply, I live in the U.K. and although we’re at the front in trying to find a cure, we are lagging behind other countries in the welfare of people like us. 
    It’s sad that this disease has grown the way it has done over the last forty years, it seems to affect every family now in some way. The new proton beam is a marvellous machine but again there is only a few of them, if there were more it would certainly reduce putting pressure on our over burdened NHS, still that’s me on my soap box. 
    I have promised myself to be more active this year, the last two I’ve had to many things happening and I’ve got more tired, so it’s up and at em, might not get my muscles back but I can tone what I have.

    Hope the new year brings you some comfort, now where’s my excersize bike.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Joe

    welcome to the group and Happy New Year to you too. I am still fairly new to the group and have found everyone really helpful and supportive. I agree as you say while we are still here that helpful wonder drug may just be round the corner.

    take care

  • Hello Tamencio

    That sounds like a Spanish name, this particular group you never know who has what type of cancer, although we’re all incurable, I myself have prostate cancer have had for three and a half years, it’s been a struggle at times, because of all the medication I take. But I am not afraid to tell people what I have, I hope to reply and help many people on this group.

    Take care


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to joeven

    Hi Joe 

    thank you for your e mail which made me Blush. The Tamencio is my middle name . Nothing as exotic as Spanish I am afraid . A bit of a mixed bag but a Yorkshire lass from West Yorkshire. I am sorry you have had a struggle with your medication and I am sure you will be another person providing great support to the group.

    take care