Not Out Yet!

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  • 42 subscribers

So I go prepared 4 the worst- no more treatments left - and I come away with a new regime 2 try...

I'm not expecting miracles but the Onc has given me another regime 2 try - Carboplatin! I've had one dose of it previously in conjunction with another drug last year but that was just prior 2 my v scary 2 week admission 2 hosp with Sepsis so it was pulled cos I felt so dreadful.

I was expecting "that conversation" & had worked myself up 2day. But went back 2 work & could still function. 

So now on a mini break from treatment till 3rd Jan. Roll on nxt week when I take off 2 Edinburgh 2 catch up with daughter & the xmas markets.

Hugs 2 all

WB xx

  • Funnily enough, we went there for a family meal the night before the wedding cause some family were in the hotel across the road. Food was really good, but they sadly don't deliver. Though my youngest brother has said he'd happily walk down and collect if mum and dad pay. Lol

    Cause if you're looking at the zoo, the first road you come to on the left is where my parents live and I mostly grew up. We can see the penguin enclosure from the front garden, and when we were playingLaughing in the back we could hear the lions, seal, monkeys, and more. Laughing

    Fingers crossed the weather improves for you! I head home a week on Sat, so hoping trains are all OK for then! 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    What a great place to grow up,


  • Hi WB, Glad you have a new plan! Edinburgh does Christmas very well. Glasgow used too, many moons ago but Edinburgh being the capital, has more money to spend!

    The fact you'll be with your daughter, you will both enjoy it and there's always plenty to do indoors if the weather turns bad! Just enjoy one another's company!

    Yes, that's the Chinese we use when we are through too, it's like a Michelin Star Chinese! Yum! I hope your daughters last exam turns out to be easy for her!

    Enjoy your last week or so Lass!

    Of course we have been to Edinburgh Markets a lot and have now been to several at home and abroad, the atmosphere is great!

    Enjoy the crowds, if you can peeps!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!