Totally deaf on my own. My biggest problem is I get so very tired quickly from all the lipreading.

  • 13 replies
  • 42 subscribers

are there any members here that are dealing with terminal cancer that are deaf? And our fatigue very quickly gets worn down by all the lipreading? I’m finding it a juggling act with dealing with deafness and cancer. I have stage 4 pancreatic with liver mets cancer. It cannot be treated it has spread to my stomach and back. Also the lymph nodes. But I’m new to the cancer talk, so please forgive me if I don’t understand something. I’m not scared of dying because I nearly died in the intensive care ward last year. Unfortunately I didn’t take the news well, then other things on top. Thought I was going to lose everything, my mother went into care,  thought I was going to be homeless. Did something stupid and nearly lost my life. But that experiences I nearly lost my life with a near death experience made me as ease when the time comes.  But I’m scared of suffering, I’m scared that I won’t be allowed to die at home. I also am scared that my mother won’t be by my side as I pass. I sleep more and more. I feel I never get enough sleep.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Lovely! Cats are wonderful. I’ve had a nice day taking my puppy for walks. She’s off the lead now and there’s a fabulous cricket pitch just up the way where she can run and run. There’s usually another dog to play with too. The views of the north downs are spectacular up there. Today the sun was shining in a cloudless sky. It really lifted my spirits 


  • Lovely for you to walk with your puppy and to see their enjoy,ent when they run and play.

    we have a black Labrador who is very friendly with other dogs and people and I walk him every day. I get to know all the othe people with dogs in the village.

    we also now walk our daughter ‘s 2 young dacshunds twice a week at lunchtime while she works. We had a lovely walk with them all today in the sunshine and not too cold if you are walking.

    it does lift your spirits to be outside and have a walk 

    love Ruth xx


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ruthjp


    I have finally tracked down the contact details for the Macmillan person who has developed work on helping deaf people with cancer 

    I am going to send you a friend request. It should pop up as an email and as a badge on the person icon at the top of the community page. If you accept the request, I’ll be able to send you the details in a personal message. 

    All the best