Bad news

  • 15 replies
  • 46 subscribers

bad news for me today, turns out Pembrolizumab is not a wonder drug for me, I had a scan on Friday and the consultant phoned to this morning to say my tumours are all bigger, so after 4 doses they are stopping the trial for me.  This was not entirely unexpected as I have been having more and more pain as time has gone on but it was still hard to hear the words.

i see her in clinic on Wednesday to discuss chemo, which is not likely to work as my type is notoriously chemo resistant - it would be carboplatin and caelyx every 4 weeks for 3 cycles - or whether to stop treatment and go onto palliative care, with a life expectancy of a few months.  There aren’t any other treatments available to me.  All hard things to discuss and hard decisions ahead.

I am leaning towards stopping treatment, I wonder if anyone has experience of making this decision? I hate it that I feel like I have failed somehow, when I know rationally I have just been really unlucky to have a horrid aggressive cancer.

love heather xxx

  • FormerMember

    I don't really know what to say. I'm sending you all the love and support I have and the biggest hugs ever. X

  • I'm so sorry to read this thread, what horrible news. I really hope the chemo isn't too awful and you find you're in the 5% where it works. Such hard information to process. 

    So kind of you to say to that immunotherapy works well for some despite no markers - I am one of those. I feel terribly guilty about it given your news Roobarb but Ginajsy, please do pursue if it's an option as I was told it was unlikely to work and I too had only a slight percentage match. They can't accurately predict who will respond yet. I'm nearly at a complete response - even my brain mets are responding. It's so hard that we're all so unique in this... 

    I hope you can have some nice time out whilst you're processing all this Roobarb. Be kind to yourself. 

    lots of love and hugs from me too.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gobaith

    So sorry to read this, i was in a similar position a couple of months ago re no available treatments but as always my oncologist came up with a new plan and i am having some radiotherapy. I hope the chemo helps and you dont get too many side effects. All the best. Lynn 2xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Heather 

    I am still catching up after my break away from the community and I’m sorry I missed this awful week when you faced such a difficult decision. I’m glad you have a plan - and that the decision on whether to stop treatment pushed into the future for now. 

    Having been through carbo/taxol and Caelyx/carboplatin I can tell you I found the former much tougher than the latter. Having subsequently been through two clinical trials, I can add that these can give you good results but also have a few added bonuses. The trials unit where I’m treated is extremely well staffed with very experienced nurses. I’m treated like a queen. Instead of waiting to see the doctor, the doctor comes to me. They keep an eye on all the peripheral issues too - for example picking up a kidney infection at an early stage and nipping it in bud and referring me to a haematologist when a scan showed I had a tumour growing into a blood vessel. 

    I think facing up to the situation where there is no more treatment is something we’ve probably all thought about. I think it’s coming for me - not next week, probably not next month but I’m pretty sure over the next year. I don’t know how I’ll react. I’d have to be very sick indeed to turn down a treatment so I suspect it’s going to be more a case of accepting a situation than of me making an active decision. 

    Good luck with the chemo. 

    Lots of love xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks everyone for their responses, Lynn 2 I hope the radiotherapy works a treat.  

    I loved being part of a trial, I went into see the nurses after and we were all in tears.  So far no one in Edinburgh has responded on the trial I was on and they started with such high hopes but i I guess that is the nature of the job.  This does mean they might open another trial in 2020, so options!

    I start Carbo/caelyx on the 13th which I hope means I will recover in time for Xmas day.  I did NOT thrive on Carbo/taxol so it’s good to hear you found this regime a wee bit easier, we shall’s chemo after all but hey ho.

    anyway thank you to everyone who took the time to respond, it really helped x