I confess (a sleep deprived cynical post)

  • 18 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Well as I lie here waiting for a team of interogators to arrive I am castings my.mind back over the last few weeks to see what it is I have done. 

I must have been captured some time ago and given a deadly cancer. I know I have endured a number of drugs that made me very ill and then when one came along that worked I was led to believe I was to be saved and even have life with few side effects to endure. Oops you silly thing that was just a joke no funding for the drug to continue. 

Where are we now well that op you couldn't have 15 months ago the cancer has grown and spread enough now for us to cut it off. While we are at it we will give you another dose of those drugs you are allergic to and watch you go through those withdrawal symptoms again. Wound just about healed next comes the Radio Therapy treatment. Don't worry you had it before you could get a little rash like sunburn but it'll be fine. Forgot to say it could actually be really bad acute radiation burns weeping oozing sores, hard cheese you got the latter. Why don't you ring the breast care nurse good idea, they can't help, what did they say "they are not an emergency service". After trying to get help unsuccessfully hospital admission urgently needed prodded, poked cannulas in. Bed eventually found great a side room rest at last. Sleep that isn't what you are here for no you have to stay alert if you want to get those drugs you need as they have been forgotten again. To help you stay awake the light, which will stay on all night is positioned right above your bed shining in your eyes. Out side is the nurses wash basin and sink with a pull off towel dispenser. 

It worked I am now ill, suffering and totally sleep deprived. Whatever it is I am definitely going to confess and hope they will go easy on me. 

Eventually I know I will be so grateful for what has been done for me but just now I am probably loosing my mind and possibly the will to live. 

  • FormerMember


    I am struggling to make precise sense of what you’ve written but my overall impression is that things have gone tits up in a big way, you’re in pain and in hospital with a healthcare team that you do not entirely trust and badly in need of a friend to give you a hug and the nurses a good talking to. 

    The best I can offer is that hug. Sleep when you can through the day, make sure you have a good wash, get a brush and comb through your hair and eat a good breakfast. 

    All this will pass. 

    Lots of love xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    My humour can be difficult to follow at the best of times but I do feel today like somewhere I slipped into a parallel universe. Just sounding off I am fine

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Morning maz

    woke up to read your very funny but worrying post . 

    Hope you get sorted today and you eat and sleep to keep your strength up

    where are you ,have they sent you to another country ,do you need rescuing?

    love and hugs 



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks Janet glad you got the humour. 

    I have to admit that I am very lucky I got a side room in a hospital only 10 mins walk from home. But last night it just felt like I was being tortured into giving up secrets with the light and noises all night. Sleep deprivation is a terrible thing but going on line has taken my mind off the problems I came in with which is a big help. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    you need an advocate to sort everything while you sleep ,any friends or family around that can nag the staff a bit while you sleep .?


    hope your next post is not for a while and after a mind healing sleep



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Chance would be a fine think the drip has been finished and going off since 7.30am they come in do something then disappear saying it will start bleeping again shortly as it needs a qualified nurse to look at it. Now another device has joined in so I might as well be sat on Piccadilly station. 

    Nice they have shut my door to stop the noise down the corridor.

    But I will survive. 

    What doesn't kill you makes you strong and all that. 

    My poor husband is trying his best to get things done but he doesn't do well with confrontation and complaining. Now if my sister or daughter lived nearer they would be on top of it. They are very busy I know. I tried disconnecting it but it has a battery and I don't want to run that down in case anyone needed the machine in an emergency. 

    I could do with my grand daughters ear defenders

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dear ,

    Same thing happened to me, mine treatment was mustard gas (AKA bendamustine which has a few extra CH3s). Nurse came at me wearing  a white hazmat suit, thick rubber gloves etc etc (afraid of getting a drop on her) then proceeds to load a bagful of it into my veins, then walks off, alarms sound no one comes, my daughter was with me and it still took her  10 minutes to find a nurse then they rinsed out the vein that had the mustard gas inside it for 15 minutes. Really.  Im thinking about getting instruction on how too stop start and rinse how hard could it be?

    Wishing you the best as I follow your adventures in bad medicine. So Sorry.



  • FormerMember

    Hi Maz 

    loving your sense of humour but so sorry to hear your not well. Hopefully by the time you read this you have confessed to everything and they have released you. On a serious note hope you are back at home now. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi all I was released on Saturday evening and am now just about back to normal. 

    I still didn't get anything for the burns not sure what happened to the meds I was promised. The IV anti biotics however did do there job and my temp and infection subsided. If only you could get them without having to be admitted. I was put into a bay for my last night with them with a light that actually switched off. The lady in the next bed had waited 5 days for some ointment she needed and had to get her disabled son to bring it in from home in the end. 

    Once home my local pharmacist came up with a dressing called Aquacel Ag. Only got 2 on perscription as they are apparently very expensive but the difference between where the dressing is and the bits it didn't reach is absolutely unbelievable. 

    I always feel bad complaining and I know the NHS is in a mess but sometimes silly simple things not being done is making more work and delaying healing. 

    I have not got my scan results yet so I will chase those again. 

    Take care out there and keep dodging the bullets. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I don't know if u have tried it but I was given polymem dressing for my RT sores.  I was able to get it on prescription from the gp and made a real difference to me.