Hair falling out

  • 25 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Am I being really silly, but after my second round of chemo my hair has fallen out and it has hit me hard. I was warned by the oncologist and CNS nurse that on this combination of drugs for womb cancer it often happened but it psychologically has been such a shock. My son who is nearly 12, lovely boy that he is told me I was beautiful  which after he went out with his friends to play made me cry harder. I have bought hats and am going to see the Macmillan hairdresser at the Bexley Wing in Leeds tomorrow.  I just wanted to check this out with everyone. Thank you

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Glad to read you went out with your brother and had a good time. X

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Thank you Annette

    i had a good birthday. I am very lucky to have a loving soon ,along with supportive and loving friends. I saw the hairdresser and have set a referral in motion. I am from a mixed background and thThumbsup tone3ave a limited number of wigs on the NHS. However the wig shop they use in Leeds have loads so if I can’t find one on the NHS I will have a look at those. They are not too expensive either which isThumbsup tone3d Thumbsup tone3Clap tone3 x

  • Hi Annette

    Thank you for your concern. Why don't I let my brother push me? Well, you gave one of my answers? Like you, I hate being pushed. People who have pushed me have bumped into others and I have to apologise, crashed into walls, don't read the area in front of me properly, try to get me up impossibly high kerbs, attempt to cross a busy road 20 metres from a crossing bearing in mind that I am 2 or 3 metres In front of their eyes, so close to cars and lorries whizzing by. At this point I have to commend the number of drivers who stop their cars etc to allow me to cross. 

    The worst for me is the feeling of embarrassment as well as feeling useless. That someone has to push me is something I never thought would happen, it's so difficult. Both elbows require operations, both elbows have a trapped nerve, both elbows are painful. My right elbow has bones that have been cut and don't reach the elbow joint so in effect they move around inside so I have a weakness. However, I need to keep my arm muscles in some sort of shape and I don't want them to waste away so that's another reason to push myself, good exercise. 

    Apart from that, my brother isn't getting any younger, he's almost 65, so I don't want to cause him to hurt himself.

    A bit of a rant there and please don't think I'm disrespectful Annette, I don't mean to be, least of all to you my friend.

    Have a great day,

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hello Tamencio!

     I started chemo (cisplatin, taxol, avastin)in May 2018, and my hair fell out within 2 months.  I was (and still am) a big hat gal.  I found it easier to just grab a hat and go.  I found losing my eyebrows and eyelashes to be the hardest.  Whenever I looked in the mirror, I had a stranger looking back.

    I had to get off chemo since it stopped working at the end of May 2019, and I am currently on an clinical trial immunotherapy  drug since July.  My hair is coming back straight and white with hints of my dark brown underneath.  But my hair now sticks out everywhere, so I wear my hats to hide the crazy uncontrollable hair.

    Cancer takes so much from us, but we are resiliant, and we continually adjust to our new realities ( with a few tears sometimes, and help from our friends!)

    This is the main reason this group is so wonderful!  The support and understanding is amazing.

    Let your inner beauty shine on!

    Take care,


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Kat 

    thank you for your lovely reply. You are right about this group, the support and understanding has been amazing.  My hair falling out. ( cisplantin and taxol) was such a shock and seemed to change from a healthy woman in control of her life to everything turned upside down. For a moment I did not recognise the woman looking back at me from the mirror. You are right , you do adjust to the new realities of life. I have loving friends and family who are keeping me going. This group has provided me with support , affection and perspective which has been really helpful

    Take care xx