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Tonight I am really struggling.

I have a scan on wed morning I've been waiting for for 6 weeks. (Not so long) The last 2 scans were awful, and the cancer markers have shot up, but my Consultant thinks it could all be down to what he described as raging pneumonia and pleurisy in July. 

I don't want to do this. I don't want to have another scan, the last one ended in tears because no one could get a vein, and then have the build up to the results and then be given the benefit of the doubt, which felt like winning the lottery 3 months ago but now  just feels like being in limbo. And then do it all again next month in Leeds for the brain MRI.

There's been a major change in how I am this year, and as others have said, it's another step down the road. I've been following all the posts and know that many of us are having a far more challenging time.

But I'm so sad, and so tearful tonight.

Tomorrow I will be brave, lippy on and a big smile. xx

  • Oh Tvman, such a tough time for you, I'm so sorry. 

    I will take all the good wishes and positive vibes coming my way, and wear something green in your honour. It worked before! Thank you for your support in the middle of such heartbreaking circumstances.

    At one time I always assumed things would go my way and just didn't worry, then for a while it seemed like a lottery, who would get good news, who would get the bad news...... Now it's more like a game of Russian roulette.

    Like many of us insomniacs I feel better in the light of a new day, and with so much support the next couple of weeks seem a great deal less daunting. Lots of love.   xx

    Every bad situation is a blues song waiting to happen.
    Amy Winehouse.
  • Sometimes it's just really hard isn't it? You want to get on with life, and stupid scans and appointments get in the way. Hope it goes well on Wednesday, and you never know, it could be better than you think.


    Flowerlady x
  • hi there thanks for getting back to me as for the popgate or flippen I hadn't a clue what I was doing when I set them up I kept coming up with names that everybody else had don't normally do anything on line so was really struggling to get on the site to begin with keep being positive and I know it's hard I was told a few weeks ago that mine is incurable as it's rare so the best they are trying for me is to keep shrinking them with chemo I call it the alien is having a picnic everywhere wondering where it's going to land next thing is as well I missed another chemo session due to me bloods not being right on Fri so in my head I thinking it's got a head start again felt fine as well which I think makes it worse but you keep battling on just when you think you can't go on you do and you will to and helping other people on this site as well it makes you feel better as we all support each other there is always someone to pick you up on here when you fall down its like that comment I received the other day about the boxing match it's us verses the cancer i put it on my memo board to remind me to keep fighting so I am telling you keep fighting and stay strong xxx

  • It is Flowerlady. There was disagreement about my last 2 scans, with one Consultant telling me the cancer has spread to my lungs, the treatment’s not working, and another giving me the benefit of the doubt after pneumonia. As you say, it could still be good news.

    How are you feeling at the moment, did you manage to book a holiday? I hope so. I meant to say ‘Congratulations’ on finishing your degree! That’s quite an achievement you should be proud of yourself.     xx

    Every bad situation is a blues song waiting to happen.
    Amy Winehouse.
  • Hi Tinalay

    I told you I'd be back! I'm so glad that you are in a better way now, may be due to the new day dawning. I was sad to read that you weren't able to have your scan and you naturally became upset. 

    You'll have my full support on Wednesday, my arthritis course finished last week so I won't have any distractions. I guess your sister will go along with you as she did before. My goodness, what is she going through, her twin sister and husband both with serious health problems. Please give her my best wishes, she too needs support. 

    Good luck for Wednesday, Tinalay

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Thanks Tvman,

    my sister isn't able to come to any appointments now, her husband can't be left with anyone other than a health care professional because of an indwelling catheter and continence problems. She's recently managed to arrange 4 hours of care 1 day a week, and we get together for Pilates, a swim and some lunch. You're absolutely right, what she's going through is too much for anyone and she's mostly in denial about my situation.

    I was very interested to hear about your arthritis course, and hope you found it beneficial. It's the nerve pain that keeps you awake at night though, that seems to be so hard to manage.

    Not too long till you see your daughter now, you and your family are in my thoughts xx

    Every bad situation is a blues song waiting to happen.
    Amy Winehouse.
  • I'm glad I'm not the only technophobe Flippen, and I know of at least a couple of these names that started out as typos! I'm sorry you missed another chemo, it sounds like you've got this though. Some of the group have great imagery for all of this so keep those boxing gloves on and I'll do the same. I was signed up to do a charity boxing match a few years ago, but too many ladies dropped out because they found the training too hard....and one dropped out because she broke a nail! xx

    Every bad situation is a blues song waiting to happen.
    Amy Winehouse.
  • hi there my best friend laughs at me all the time when she is online it's like watching her play the piano while I am one finger tap function the time it takes me to do a sentence she has written a novel ha ha ha I am very excited today as she is taking me to have a wig fitting got loads of pom pom hats  and all the long fantastic scarves she has made for me now it's  long wigs I am after once pluck the courage up to take me that off to have fitting don't like any one even my best friend seeing my head or the hospital when they have to get it ready for cold cap with chemo get very anxious about it so today I have to be brave in front of a stranger I said to my best friend watch me put it on back to front I will look like that woman coming out from the well from the film the ring ha ha she says I am bound to do something comical that will get us laughing typical me what I think is normal isn't his ha keep fighting on had to laugh about the nail I know someone at work who was so upset she had broke a nail she went home nothing surprizes me these days xxxxx

  • Hi Tinalay

    It doesn't help when the specialists can't agree!! I am holiday in Rhodes with my mum and it's been great. Boyfriend now wants to travel too, so hopefully we can get moving. I was really worried about flying but it was ok. A change of scenery really helps me - did you find your holiday did the same?


    Flowerlady x
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to flowerlady

    I’ve a cairn too (as well as a springer) called midge, although she is a hyperactive little nutter she is also an amazing therapet, sleeping beside me when I am having one of my many frequent naps.

    good luck tomorrow xxxxx