A bit bleh!

  • 19 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Hi all,

I haven't been about much as my laptop decided to play silly beggars whilst we were on our holidays and is at the computer shop waiting to get to the front of the queue to get fixed.

I struggle to type on my phone so haven't posted but I know a bit how my computer might be feeling.

Six months ago my CT scan revealed an oedema of unknown origin in my right abdominal wall. By a weird coincidence my largest tumour (or cluster of tumours) is in my right abdominal wall.  The oncologist referred this to my GP who wrote back asking what they expected the GP to do about it.  They agreed to monitor it.  My next CT scan report was not ready until the day after I saw my oncologist so I did not know how big it was or if it had grown.  What I did know was that my right hand side was getting more uncomfortable and I was getting occasional pains.

I started using the co-codamol prescribed for my arthritis to help me get to sleep and when it wore off and I woke in the middle of the night I would take some more and get a few more hours sleep.

My GP prescribed water tablets to try and move the fluid but this quickly dropped my blood pressure and I started to have dizzy spells.  I went back a few days later and he adjusted my other medication and it has improved although my BP is still down.

The pain has been getting more persistent and I have been tired and not able to get on with anything, completing the circle leading to me feeling very down.

I saw the oncologist on Thursday and it must have been apparent that I was struggling as he has ordered an early CT scan to see what is going on and prescribed me the higher strength co-codamol.  I know that this is nothing compared to those of you glugging oramorph but other than my treatment it is the first time i have been prescribed anything for the cancer rather than the side effects of the medication.

I'm not so worried about what they might find as I just hope to get to find out what is going on and get a plan.  I figure it is either the oedema or the cancer.  If it is the oedema they can drain it, if it is the cancer there are other treatments although I would obviously be sorry if this one had stopped working.

I took the first of the higher strength painkillers today and haven't noticed much difference yet but I will see how it goes.

I'm waiting for my CT date now which they hope will be within two weeks.

On the plus side I have been to the dentist and hopefully my missing tooth will be replaced by another crown but this one on a post into the root that remains from my broken tooth , in the first couple of weeks of November so I should be able to smile properly by the time of the meet up in York.  I hope to see lots of you there,

All the best Gragon xx

  • ?  Are we allowed to speak about Official secrets on here?  

    Gragon xx 

  • Hi Daloni

    I completely understand, I'd recommend you for Mum of the year if you were my mum. I know someone who that happened to here in Northern Ireland. She has 6 children, all girls, 4 of whom have Lupus. She's a nurse who worked mostly nights, so quite often she stayed on in the hospital because one of the girls had been admitted overnight. I knew 5 of the girls very well, I worked in the area so I met them quite often. Tbh I thought there were 5 for years, I didn't know that there were two identical twins lol. 

    Well, because the girls were very close to their mum and were proud of her dedication to them, they entered her for Mum of the Year and she won! Good for her.

    I don't use an iPhone, I'm Android, but my son works in web design. Luckily he's still at home so I can tap into his knowledge Slight smile

    I look forward to letting you know that I've found a program that can deal with the best accent in the UK. There's wishful thinking!

    Speak soon, Daloni.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Tvman, if you were allowed to vote for someone who wasn't your mum, I would also vote for Daloni! I think she's an amazing mother and I'm sure both her daughters will take after her and be strong women when they are older! Enjoy the wedding Daloni!

    gragon, I wish there was a "dislike" button because I don't like the fact you have to wait until December for your scan, that is just ridiculous but we've all been there! No one seems to realise, except those here, just how precious OUR time is and if we need something done, we'd like it done yesterday!! Hope it's a good result and will be worth waiting on!

    I've just spent the last hour and a bit, trying to write on this site and I believe I have a lot of patience but tonight........aaarrrggghhh! Humbug!!!!!   Sorry folks, just had to get that out! I will contact admin on Monday....maybe!

    I need the posts to just post, not a dictaphone!!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Aw gee shucks, Annette and tvman. You’re too kind - but thank you. 

  • Hi All,

    I thought I would post before I settle down to watch the rugby this morning.  I received a phone call from one of the research nurses yesterday at just before 5:50pm to say that they had managed to arrange a scan for November 6th at 6:40 pm.  Still after my oncology appointment but it should be easier to arrange another appointment for that.

    Annette, our relationship with the site is so up and down isn't it.  Lovely to have all the contact and understanding and when it works well it is a joy.  Occasionally a post which makes you think you don't understand how the world works and that the technology has decided to change all the rules as well!

    love to all,

    Gragon xx

  • Hi Gragon, That's terrific your appointment has been moved forward. I should think so too!

    You are right of course, when the site works well it is an amazing lifeline, to amazing people! But when it decides to play up, and especially when it's in the wee small hours, you can loose patience with it! Because of the people here though, we always give it another chance...and another..and another...Lol! Have a great weekend!

    My husband and I are looking after our grandson this afternoon from lunchtime to dinner time inclusive and I've not closed my eyes all night! I hope I can last the pace until it's time for him to go home!! Fingers crossed! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Morning Gragon, I missed this thread, but it's more likely to be a lack of technical savvy than anything to do with the site...

    I'm so sorry to hear you're having some worrying symptoms and pain and relieved the scan has been brought forward. Does this mean you'll have the results before our meet up?

    It's no wonder you've been feeling low, that would chip away at anyone's resilience. I hope you'll soon have the answers you need and a plan. Looking forward to seeing you with a Hollywood smile in November

    Every bad situation is a blues song waiting to happen.
    Amy Winehouse.
  • Hi Tinalay,

    At the moment I have an appointment scheduled for today in Hull (which I don't intend to go to as although my oncologist is based in Hull I see him at his clinic in Scarborough).  Another appointment in Scarborough with the same oncologist for Thursday 31st October which one of the research nurses is seeing if I need to attend or if it should be rearranged as it was scheduled to discuss the results of the CT scan.  My CT scan is booked for 6th November with as yet no follow up appointment or any idea when the scan will be reported.

    So at the moment nothing is clear.  It is frustrating as I know all this is because of staff shortages especially on radiology although my oncologist also looked under pressure the last time I saw him as well.  When I first started having CT scans the dept was fully staffed and the reports were always available within a week and could be obtained even quicker if required.

    The painkillers are working but I can take two tablets up to 4 times a day.  They work for about 4 hours each which does leave gaps so I tend to wait until the pain starts again before taking my next ones but make sure I can take some just before I go to bed so that I can get decent chunk of sleep each night.

    As for the Hollywood smile we will have to see.  I see the dentist before the meet up but if you want Hollywood I'm not sure I can get an appointment to see the plastic surgeon in time!

    Have you got someone going with you on Friday for your results or do you prefer to go on your own?  I'm not sure what I am doing yet on the Friday but if I can be about I will let you know and we could try to meet up?


    Gragon xx

  • Hi Gragon,

    It is difficult that it can take time for them to report on the scans.

    what I do now is cancel appointments until I know that the scan has been reported on. They tell me over the phone if it has been reported on. Then I get an appointment for the next clinic. My Oncologist will also email me the report so I can read it and prepare for the meeting with him. I also ask for copies of the scans so I can view them on my computer.

    this time it was bad news and he was reluctant to send me the report. I am seeing him this morning. I had to ask 3 times but I said I would be happier to read the report to prepare for the discussion.

    eventually he sent it to me and I am so pleased I was able to research the possible outcomes and treatments 

