Harsh reallity

  • 17 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hi everyone. I don't post much on here, but my husband watches coronation street and with what is going on with the lovely sinead has really got to him. He said the reality of my illness got up and punched him in the face. 

I must admit it smacked me aswell, i got up and walked out of the room as it was so hard to watch. I thought i would write this post just to vent it really as no one understands like you all do. 

Hope eveyone is doing ok. 

  • Sorry about repeating myself there. Was trying to edit the mistakes.  

    Lils x
  • Hi Lils (lily0403) Don't worry about mistakes, we all make them! I'm pleased your husband is sensitive enough that he will watch the program while you are out! Good for him!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Yes he is quite good with being sensitive at times. There are other times i could wring his neck. Lol. I think because he has MS its easier for him to relate to the fact that sometimes it can be hard,  not just for me but for him too. Some mornings we wake up and debate who is well enough to get up and sort the pub out. But we are leaving in the new year so we can have a slightly easier life. 

    Lils x
  • Yes he is quite good with being sensitive at times. There are other times i could wring his neck. Lol. I think because he has MS its easier for him to relate to the fact that sometimes it can be hard,  not just for me but for him too. Some mornings we wake up and debate who is well enough to get up and sort the pub out. But we are leaving in the new year so we can have a slightly easier life. 

    Lils x
  • Sorry, there i go again with repeating myself.  Ha ha. 

    Lils x
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to lily0403

    Goodness. Running a pub. I bet there is a morning sick off to see who can stay in bed! 


  • Ha ha yes something like that. Im a hairdresser and nail tech aswell so i keep busy. 

    Lils x