To chemo or not to chemo

  • 22 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hi, I've been well on the oral chemo capecitabine for about 9 months.  I suspect at tomorrow's oncology meeting or the one after a scan on 1st October, that the efficacy of thus drug will be discussed as my cancer marker is now up near 200 (the last scan didn't show up in increased tumour sizes but it will).  The next option is weekly intravenous chemo.

A palliative nurse friend of mine today reminded me that the choice for chemo is mine.  That the oncologists will suggest and give effects, but that I have a choice.  She said that in some cases she'd seen people's quality of life really decrease on an intravenous chemo. 

I wondered what your experiences might be of going from say capecitabine with no hair loss, but neoropathy and fatigue (manageable) and  life being still mostly fully engaged in, to say any of the palliative intravenous chemos.   I'd love any insights about quality of life and chemo.

Thanks so much.  Xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dear Daloni,

    Does the U.K. have an equivalent to site? Provigil is worth fighting for.  It enhanced my quality of life. You would need your gp or oncologist to prescribe and then purchase out of pocket. 

    You deserve the best life you can have.



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I was on the slow release of Ritalin which worked well. But I had a procedure in which long acting or slow release medication goes through my system to quickly. So had to switch to the short actinFlag cat’s great to have questions from all over sometimes. But sometimes you hit a wall too just because different laws and regulations, can mean different drug protocols and practices! So what may be aFlag caable in the UK may not in Canada. Ugh forgot the emojis go wonky on here. Anyway hope you find something that works.