• 20 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Hi Friends, I'm sorry it's been such a while since I've been here, apart from clicking 'like' on a post or two! A lot has happened but I'll give you just a brief summary, if I can.

On 11/2/19 we went to Spain for just over 3 weeks, as we have been doing for the last 16 years or so. The weather there suits us as the temperature is between 15-20 but can sometimes go as high as 24! Around 17/18 is hot enough for me! We had a lovely restful holiday and returned home on 4/3/19. On 20th March I had to go in for spinal surgery. I had 2 discs out of place and this was causing the spinal cords to compress (as some of you know) Apart from the Aneasthatist taking So long to find a vein which in turn, put me from first to third on the theatre list, all went well. The surgeon explained he did a spinal decompression, took off some bone spurs and thought the discs would then slot back into place but (there's always a but.) they kept jumping out so he had to fit a metal bracket to hold the discs in place. I got home quite quickly because I had my husband at home and I also have a stairlift. My District Nurse took the stitches out 10 days later but the dissolvable inside stitches did not dissolve and I took an allergic reaction to them. In the meantime I started to feel quite unwell, I thought it was just a urine infection but when the nurse sent away a sample plus some blood work it came back that I had contracted E-coli! I got very ill and it did cross my mind "this is the end" so I won't die from cancer after all, just a stupid infection because my immune system is shot. It took 3 intense courses of antibiotics and 9 weeks before I finally 'started' to feel a bit better, it's been a long haul but I'm still here! 

The back op has worked so I no longer have numb feet or problems controlling my bladder, so the surgery was a success!

So that's it in a nutshell, except the internal stitches are still surfacing through the wound and the nurse pulls them out. The surgeon told me this can last for up to six months.

Thanks again for your nice welcome and I will try to get back into the habit of checking the latest posts.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Hi Annette, Thank you for inquiring. 12 days post-surgery and still await notification of biopsy results. Also awaiting results of an spep. Fatique keeps me down. Daytrips may be possible soon. There is beauty in each day, for which am deeply grateful. Thank you.

  • Hi Lin, Twelve days after surgery is very early days, so I'm not surprised you still feel fatigued! Waiting for biopsy results is something we can all relate to and they never come quick enough! Sometimes they can take up to three or four weeks or more depending on what they are testing for. I'm afraid there's nothing you can do about that except just try to be patient and it's not easy. I hope you get stronger with each passing day and when you do get the results, they are all good!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Hi Anndanv, nice to see you back and good to hear you had a nice holiday and that your surgery was succsessful, I was one of 35 people in Leeds that contracted E-coli some years ago and it knocked me off my feet for 3 months or so. It was traced back to pork pies from a deli who was supplied by a local butcher who had been in trouble for hygene failings previously, if i had known it was one of their pies i wouldnt have bought it. Lynn 2.xx

  • My wife almost died after catching meningitis cause by the e-coli virus after an operation to reduce a non malignant tumour on her spinal cord - spent 5 days in ICU and a total of 6 months in hospital. Still suffering health problems some 4 years later from this. I work in the food industry so was obviously aware of how serious e-coli can be, but never imagined something like this would happen.


    Per Ardua Ad Astra
  • Hi John, I was sorry to hear about your wife but glad she got through it. What sort of problems have lingered, if you don't mind me asking? So your wife was also in hospital for a spinal op too! You don't expect to go in for an op and then after you come out, feel worse!      I was allergic to the internal stitches so when I started to feel unwell, it was put down to that until I just got worse and worse, then they decided to take urine & blood samples and that's when E-coli was confirmed. They wanted to take me back to the same hospital but I said I'd rather not, so they decided to treat me at home. The District Nurses were amazing! I must say, I know the infection has cleared now but I still don't feel 'right'!  I'm wondering if your wife has had any other treatment o is she just dealing with it herself? 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi John, I was sorry to hear about your wife but glad she got through it. What sort of problems have lingered, if you don't mind me asking? So your wife was also in hospital for a spinal op!  You don't expect to go in for an op and then after you come out, feel worse!      I was allergic to the internal stitches so when I started to feel unwell, it was put down to that until I just got worse and worse, then they decided to take urine & blood samples and that's when E-coli was confirmed. They wanted to take me back to the 'same' hospital but I said I'd rather not, so they decided to treat me at home. The District Nurses were amazing! I must say, I know the infection has cleared now but I still don't feel 'right'!  I'm wondering if your wife has had any other treatment o is she just dealing with it herself? 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Thanks for your reply Lynn. A pork pie eh!! I've never liked them! I wonder if the butcher was charged when he failed a hygiene inspection? I'm surprised the deli you went to actually bought them from that butcher. I hope he has since been closed down now! How are you doing Lynn? 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • She came through but has lost some hearing (known side effect of meningitis) and has never recovered full mobility. Gets around the house with a Zimmer, but needs a wheelchair when we go out. Unfortunately had a couple of falls indoors which resulted in her fracturing her left and, and two fractures to the right leg. She has been in hospital for just over 6 weeks now so not getting much downtime at the moment. I pick up next batch of meds tomorrow, with a 3 month scan planned for beginning of August

    Per Ardua Ad Astra
  • That should of been left LEG. Currently she has both legs in plaster and, luckily, has been moved to the local "cottage" hospital for recuperation so can visit daily after work on my way home.

    Per Ardua Ad Astra
  • Hi John, I was so sorry to read that your wife has been in hospital for such a long time. It's good she has been moved to a cottage hospital when it makes visiting easier for you but hospital visiting is so exhausting! I also have very limited mobility and use elbow crutches at home or for a short distance but have to use a wheelchair when going a bit further. My goodness, that's a lot of broken bones, poor thing, has she been tested for osteoporosis? Do you know when they are taking off the plasters? I'm assuming she will need a lot of physiotherapy once they do come off! It seems that most people "living with cancer" also have lots of other things to cope with as well, as they say it never rains but it pours! I hope your wife is comfortable and will soon be on the mend! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!