Struggling with everything

  • 50 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Hey all

I've not posted in a while mostly because I'm really struggling with pain and deterioration with the disease progression. I can't seem to get the pain under control with paracetamol and morphine (which I hate taking while I'm looking after Calli. 

We are currently in France and I feel like crap. I think I've done something to my hip which means I can't walk more then 100m without severe pain that actually makes me shake! Coming home today butCryomehow have to core with the 8hr drive CryCryCrySob 

I really don't know how I'm going to cope looking after calli on my own,  I just don't think I can do it.  Arghh this is not how life should be.

Whinge over...


  • Hi WB 

    I don't know how you keep upbeat most of the time. You're incredibly strong and brave.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Maz

    I seem to have been reading posts from you for ever! Keep them coming, I've always time to read them. 

    A lot for you to contemplate, and a lot of good advice from Annette and WB. Enjoy your holiday with your grandchildren, it'll be good for you to spend quality time with them. Children have this uncanny ability to help you to relax and see the world from a simple, straight forward point of view, like where's the next ice cream coming from? For them, you're the granny in a million and their cuddles whip you off to a place where you know you're loved and idolized. 

    Take care and love being loved.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Tvman, most of the time I probably bury my head in the sand rather than think about life. I set little goals & then feel lucky when I reach them aka wanted 2 c daughter go 2 Uni, wanted 2 c her finish 1st year, then 2nd year, then 3rd year. Trying 2 c her graduate in July 2020 would b my ultimate goal but at the moment I'd b happy with seeing her get 2 her 21st at the end of August.

    The accident prone child has had a visit 2 the ER whilst in the USA - hope I don't have 2 pick up the bill 4 that #wotachild #clumsy #typical

    Off back 2 hospital 2morrow 2 c if I get 2 start my radiotherapy this time.

    Good luck 2 me

    Night all

    WB xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Good luck, WB. I hope they blast the alien to kingdom come 


  • All the best for your radiotherapy today .

    Gragon xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks for all your advice and kind words. 

    Today is the day and the weather is a bit iffy here in Lancashire but has potential. We are hoping for blue skys on the Northumberland coast but will be happy whatever. We are, well, I am packing everything up hubby seems to have gone AWOL muttered something about tyre checks etc. He will be back in time to put it in the car. The kids join us tomorrow morning and my grand daughter has rang to ask if I am excited as she is. My daughter despairs of us she is calm and level headed but my grand daughter is very busy and reactive like me. My grandson is laid back so him and my husband will be doing the eye rolling this week. Only 6 and 7 but you can already see so much character. No doubt we will be happy but shattered by the end of the week. 

    Good luck today WB hope you get blastered my grandson would really like a job where he could use his life saver to blast people and get rid of things. If only it could be so simple. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Happy hols Maz!

    And btw I love the term "blastered" - gonna b my word of the moment Slight smile

    WB xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hello Button,

    I am not in the same situation as you as I don't have any small children. I know what you mean about going on holiday you need to try please everyone. Sometimes you just have to take charge and say you what you need say. Like I cant do this anymore, it is so stressful at times having to leave the security that your home can mean to you when you are struggling with this horrible illness. We have now decided as a family that my husband will go on his own to visit family in Spain etc and my sister will come and stay with me and take care of me and dogs. Actually I would enjoy the time on my own but if it reassures everyone for a peaceful life let them get on with it. Short break trips are fine for me now.

    Hope this helps a bit xxx

    Kenzie 12

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks Kenzie. I know what you mean about time on your own.

    Good luck WB. I had my RT planning this morning and RT planned for Wednesday.  I also use the term blasted as I think it justifies killing the buggers!

  • Hi Maz, Hope you have a terrific time and remember, no one will mind if you let them know you need to rest for an hour or so! Better that than get over tired and then maybe need to go to bed for a day! Just think about if it was someone else, like say your husband said he needed a rest, would you mind? Of course not. The main thing is to have a great time with your family!

    WB I hope all went well today! You've been in my thoughts!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!