The cat was the final straw.

  • 106 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Bloody bissum is going to get put up for adoption if she's not careful! 

Sitting here in tears because I've just found she's pissed on the landing carpet, twice, because I've not changed her litter so that it's up to her specs. All because I'm on bed/couch rest at the minute and am not supposed to lift or carry anything.

So once I've pulled myself together, I'm going to have to change the litter in three litter trays tonight so no more carpet weeing happens. Then tomorrow I'll need to carry the hoover upstairs and hoover up the powder I've put on the puddles to soak them up. Then I'll need to clean the carpets to get rid of any remnants. Great bed rest huh? 

Fuck this shite! 

  • Hi ,

    Nothing to say.  Just hugs, big hugs.

    Gragon xx

  • So, got home by half five. Let's see if I can remember what was said. There are some crackers....

    Dr - "Here look, you can see on your CT scan that your gall bladder is larger than it should be"

    Me - "I can see you pointing to a shape on your screen, but I've no idea that's my gall bladder, nor that it's too large. So, what size should it be and how much bigger is it?"

    Dr - "Well, like most things, size varies from person to person and there is no range they stay between."

    Me - "If that's true, how do you know mine is too large? I'm tall, broad, and fat. Everything about me is larger than average. Why can't my gallbladder be too?"

    Dr - *Blank stares at me* "So I'm going to refer you to a specialist to have it removed as it's clearly a time bomb waiting to go off"


    Dr - "There's no swelling, because as you can see, both sides are perfectly symmetrical." *Scrolls through the image slices.*

    Me - "Well that one's not. You can see on the right it bulges out more than on the left. And that one. And that one."

    Dr - "Yup, perfectly symmetrical. So, moving on."


    Me - "I was wondering, might I have been allergic to the dye that was used, or something else injected into me when they removed the polyps?" 

    Dr - "No, it's a carbon based dye, and we ourselves are carbon based. So it's impossible to be allergic to it." 

    Me, internally - "Where did you get your medical degree from exactly?" 


    Dr - "So we've not found anything wrong. So it should all just clear up on it's own"

    Me - "How do you know it will? And how long will it take?"

    Dr - "Well I don't know how long it will take, but these things always do."

    Me - "What things? You've already said you don't know what's wrong with me, and can't find what's wrong. Yet you're sure it'll clear up. If you're sure it'll clear up, then you must have some idea as to how long it will take, otherwise you can't be sure it'll clear up!"

    Dr - "I wouldn't expect you to still be feeling like this in a months time. It should be clear in a month."

    Me - "I'll see you in a month then, but in the meantime, I just suffer?"

    Dr - "I'm sure you'll be fine, what painkillers have you got at home?"

    Me - "All of them"

    Dr - *Raises an eyebrow*

    Me - "Paracetemol, Ibuprofen, Co-codamol, Tramadol, Oramorph, MST."

    Dr - "Oh...."


    Dr - "Have you tried Buscopan?"

    Me - "No, why would I?"

    Dr - "it might help."

    Me - "I thought that Buscopan relaxed the walls of the bowels and slowed things down to stop diarrhoea? Doesn't seem like something I should take after apparently maybe having impacted faeces in my bowel."

    Dr - "But it stops the pain from IBS because its an antispasmodic!"

    Me - "I don't have IBS, and the only pain I've had in my bowel is trapped wind. Unless this current pain is in my bowel, which you say it isn't."

    Dr - "I think you should try it"

    Me - "Fine, I'll try anything at this point!"

    I pick up the prescription, go home, read the insert as I always do.... 

    Do not take Buscopan if:

    You have a fast heart rate or other heart problems.
    You have problems with your thyroid.

    Are you actually kidding me right now?! 

    So apparently.... I'm to live with the pain and swelling and it will one day magically clear up all on its own. Then, on top of my liver biopsy at the end of the month, and my hysteroscopy the week after, he wants me to have my gall bladder removed. I wonder what else they'd like to remove from me before this is over! 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    OMG I would seriously be looking for another Doctor if i was you. He doesn't instill any confidence in me and im not his patient so goodness knows how you feel Lass. Hope your pain gets sorted, theres nothing worse than being in constant pain and they say no reason for it. Lynn 2.

  • He was one of the on call surgeons based in the SAU unit. 

    I just feel like they couldnt find anything surgical that they could easily whip out, so they just don't give a shit. 

    I'm also wondering, because my Mum is wondering, if it's a cover up. Someone fucked my colonoscopy up, and no-one wants to tell me so and are just palming me off and shooing me away.

    Mum wants me to email my GP with my complaints. But I don't see what good that would do. There's always PALS, but again I don't know what they could do. I'm just hitting a brick wall of everyone telling me just to get on with it and put up with it. I'd love to make them feel what I'm feeling to see how well they'd just be able to get on and live with it. Pretty sure they'd change their tune then! 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass


    you literally couldn’t make it up. Which is tragic as there’s nothing funny about this. I think you’re right about surgeons. If they can’t whip it out they are not interested. 

    I think it might be worth contacting your GP as someone needs to take an overview. By rights, that should be the gp. 

    I am so sorry you’re going through such a rough time and apparently with no end in sight (although of course it might spontaneously clear up in a month....) 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi lass 

    so sorry to read all this cr p you are dealing with,don t know quite where to suggest u start but perhaps a gp ,for at least a double appointment to get an overview and a plan 

    i feel so sorry for you ,

    every time you see a dr make a note of their name so u can complain about them by name if you need to 

    can anyone go to apptmts with you as you are so exhausted you can t deal with this 

    roughly where are u in the country ? Could you change hospitals ?

    hugs and more hugs 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi lass 

    so sorry to read all this cr p you are dealing with,don t know quite where to suggest u start but perhaps a gp ,for at least a double appointment to get an overview and a plan 

    i feel so sorry for you ,

    every time you see a dr make a note of their name so u can complain about them by name if you need to 

    can anyone go to apptmts with you as you are so exhausted you can t deal with this 

    roughly where are u in the country ? Could you change hospitals ?

    hugs and more hugs 


  • THAT WAS MEANT TO SAY 3 shots not 30!! I would have looked like a pin cushion!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Oh Lass, I'm so sorry about what's happening to you! It just beggars belief, like so many stories here we know are true!  I'm wondering if you use an iPad, Laptop or a computer? If it's not an iPad, you could copy and paste your posts onto a Word document (and that would save you writing it all again) then edit it into a letter to your GP, and send a copy to the hospital you were treated at and your local MP! Or PALs, if you prefer! If it was me, I'd start the letter of by saying "Dear Dr ???, As my GP am I correct in thinking that you are responsible for my health and wellbeing? I hope so because I need someone who knows what's going on, to explain it to me and help me get better care"!      I can't understand how this doctor can contradict his own diagnosis by one minute saying your gallbladder is bigger than it should be, then saying both sides are equal and there is no swelling! If your symptoms are the same as for gallstones and they did an Ultrasound or CT, the stones would show up. If they do not show up, I can't see the point of having your gallbladder removed! Seriously, do you? As for him saying you can't be allergic to the dye they use, that's nonsense too! I had an allergic reaction to this once, when I had a CT and an MRI one after the other and both departments gave me the injection! The next time I had them on separate days and it was fine!  Oh I know what you mean about so called friend's disappearing as that happened to me too, it's quite common!

    Please, I know you are unwell and in pain but you have to inform your GP of what's been happening and ask for a second opinion. He will also have the results of your scans and can tell you what the actual report says. In the meantime, I wouldn't take anything the doctor you saw prescribed as he hasn't given you a proper diagnoses! Take care and you know we are all here for you! I will send a PM!  Has the pain settled at all? Please at least see your GP tomorrow so you have a better weekend!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    Lass you cant live with constant pain and you shouldnt have to, please make an app to see your GP, tell him what has been happening and what the on call idiot said, tell him you are at the end of your tether because thats how constant pain makes you feel and see if he can give you something to ease it. If we kept our pets in constant pain like this we would be prosecuted for cruelty !!! No one should be treated in this way. Have you got a hospice near you that you could be refered to for pain management/? they came out and helped me with doses of oxycodone and how many times i could take it ect and also what else i could take, they were really good. My pain hasnt gone away but i can cope on the regime of pain relief she sorted for me. Hope you get help soon. Lynn 2 xxx