The cat was the final straw.

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Bloody bissum is going to get put up for adoption if she's not careful! 

Sitting here in tears because I've just found she's pissed on the landing carpet, twice, because I've not changed her litter so that it's up to her specs. All because I'm on bed/couch rest at the minute and am not supposed to lift or carry anything.

So once I've pulled myself together, I'm going to have to change the litter in three litter trays tonight so no more carpet weeing happens. Then tomorrow I'll need to carry the hoover upstairs and hoover up the powder I've put on the puddles to soak them up. Then I'll need to clean the carpets to get rid of any remnants. Great bed rest huh? 

Fuck this shite! 

  • So.... 

    Got there, had a chat with the Dr, but it soon became apparent he had no idea why I was there. However, he was doing a followup that I've not had yet, so let him do his thing. 

    Turns out that two of my polyps were pre-cancerous, so as long as they've removed the entirety of them then it's fine. But as I have 3 pre-cancerous, one couldn't be retrieved so it needs to be treated as pre-cancerous, and one of these was over 1cm in size, then I need another colonoscopy in a year's time as I'm in the high risk category.

    After that, I explained why I was there and he examined me. He thinks it's still post-polypectomy syndrome, and he's no idea why I was told it would resolve in 7 to 10 days. Depending on how burnt my insides are, it could take a lot longer than that to heal!

    So he's going to look at all my test results, look at all the pictures from the colonoscopy, then have the Gastro Radiographer look at some of my scans too. He's also going to get a copy of the letter I sent as he was given and told nothing. Then after he's collated everything, he's going to call me before the end of the week with some answers, hopefully. 

    Now, if it is post polypectomy syndrome then there's nothing that can be done to resolve it. But hopefully they can give me a timeline as to when it will get better so I've something to aim for. Who knows. Will just have to wait for the call now, see what's said. 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    Hi Lass 

    It sounds as though you made some headway although of course the proof of the pudding will be in the eating. I really hope this doctor is as good as his word. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Here’s hoping that this doctor is as good as his word, Lass. You deserve far better care than you’ve had recently. Fingers crossed you’re on track to get it.

  • Hi Lass, Great to see you post here again.

    Well, at last, at least you have spoken to someone about all the problems you've been having! It's a shame for both you and the doctor who saw you that no one put him in the picture by at least showing him your letter, that's just typical! I do hope he gets everything organised as he said he would and does call you back by the end of the week. That would be a first!

    I'm not sure, so I want to ask. If there is still a precancerous polyp, does that mean they have to take any action to get rid of it? Or will it all depend on what the scans tell them?

    Good for you, keeping on at them until you were seen. As you say, why wait another three plus weeks, for a consultant you've only seen once, it's crazy eh? I hope now the ball is rolling, you'll have answers very soon!

    I have the Liver Clinic later today, another waiting room, I seem to go from one to another but I'm just glad still to be here!

    Take Care 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    I really, really hope that this Dr is going to follow through, and have a good look at everything for you. 

    I remember from a few years ago that feeling that lots of experts were looking at little bits of me, but no one was joining the dots and I was continuing to go steadily down hill.

    Having PALS on board helps with the paper trail, and ensuring that things are followed up within a reasonable time frame, but their intervention is more likely to help those patients coming after you, unless they highlight a case for medical negligence.

    I hope the call before the end of the week gives you some answers, and some peace of mind. xx

  • So, I'm guessing that at 6:15 pm, I'm not being called by the end of the week.... FFS.


    They should have removed everything of the polyps that was there while they were up in there. So there shouldn't be anything to worry about regarding the polyps. If anything, this Postpolypectomy syndrome says they've actually taken more than they need to/should have done!

    How did you get on at the liver clinic? I'm currently recovering from a liver biopsy. They hurt, and are apparently very tiring to recover from. I'm sleeping a LOT these past couple of days. 


    Yes, exactly. I've so many issues, so many tablets, etc that one consultant is blaming one thing while another is blaming another. It's never going to happen, but I'd love to get them all in a room to chat about everything going on with me. Maybe when the results of the genome project come back they'll have an answer that ties everything together. Who knows! 

    So, no call today. Back in hospital Monday morning for another hysteroscopy with biopsy - because let's make everything hurt all at once - so prob won't be up for calling PALS on Mon. So it might be a Tues job I think if I've not heard back by the time I think of it and remember to do it.

    This weekend will be spent splatted I think. Housework needs done, but to be honest.... Fuck it. It can wait. Lol. 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    Bloody hell Lass. Well I suppose having all these investigations so close together gets them all out of the way in short order.  Sod the housework another couple of weeks won't make much difference Smile

    Hope you feel better soon. xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    Two things. 

    Connect with your inner slob. Housework can wait 

    Liver biopsies certainly do hurt. Last time I had one, I fainted. I was I was lying down at the time and it felt very peculiar. I didn’t find the recovery period lasted as long as I had been led to believe 


  • Hi Lass, I've just come across your post here!

    I was thinking about you on Friday, hoping you had heard from them but........... I'd rather they said nothing then contacted me when they could, rather than say we'll phone you on 'whateverday' and not do it! Do you feel any better at all? Thanks for asking, yes I was at the liver clinic last week. For those who don't know, the cancer drug that kept me alive, caused amongst other things, cirrhosis of the liver. The consultant told me that one of the osteoarthritis meds I have been taking for quite some time, is not doing the liver any good so he advised I stopped taking it! I told him I had been trying hard to loose weight as I know that may help but find it very hard. Then he told me this drug also is known to increase your weight as well as cause anaemia, which I have! He also  said as I was on Morphogesic that this slows down your metabolism which would also prevent me shedding some weight! He also got a nurse to take blood and I think she hit the muscle because not only is my arm a lovely shade of black and blue, it hurts like the devil!

    I stopped the drug on Wednesday and cut down the Morphogesic on Thursday but I was in so much pain on Thursday night, I was in tears. Feels as if I'm between a rock and a hard place but will make an appointment to speak to the Pharmacist in my practice next week, if he is back from his holidays! If not my GP.

     Now apart from all that.....I'm fine and looking forward to our grandson's 5th birthday party on Tuesday!!

    I take it you will be making some phone calls yourself on Monday! Good luck! Oh and yes, a liver biopsy does hurt but no one tells you before it!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • what recovery period did they tell you? And how long was it in reality? Just no-one mentioned anything about how long it would hurt for, and in fact one nurse seemed surprised when I said it hurt!

    Annette, I'd rather they phone me and apologise for having no new information rather than not call me at all. I pushed for a deadline on the callback, after how long this has gone on for now. So someone should have called with whatever they'd discovered, even if that is nothing. Just so I know I've not been forgotten about.

    Not feeling any better, and now with the liver biopsy there's some new pains. So it's hard to distinguish which is which. However, I am sleeping more at least. I'm not sure if it's more energy being used to heal the biopsy site that's meaning I'm sleeping more, or if my body is doing the shutdown thing it does when things get too much for it. Slept for 15 hours yesterday, 13 the day before that.

    Sounds like you had a mixed bag at the clinic then. Annoying that the nurse messed up your arm, but positive that a reason has been found for a few issues you've got! Though I'm sorry that the pain was too much for you, and I def understand the rock and a hard place feeling!

    Enjoy Tuesday, if its outside I hope you get good weather for it! 

    I've got my hysteroscopy at 9am Monday morning. So if I'm calling, it'll be Monday afternoon once I've hopefully stopped bleeding and cramping. Fingers crossed. If not, it'll be Tuesday that I call PALS again. 

    Oh, and they told me there would be slight irritation at the needle site, and some referred pain into my right shoulder that everyone gets.... Well, no pain in my shoulder but I did get a shooting pain into my hip when they clicked the sample. (There was also pain when they first went in with the biopsy needle because they hadn't used enough anaesthetic. That wasn't fun.) Now, I get shooting pains if I breathe in too deeply, laugh, or bend/twist too far or the wrong way. Then there's a burning feeling at the needle site that goes away with an ice pack.

    Mum and my youngest brother arrive on Thurs, leave on Sat, to visit for a few days. So meals out and a trip to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park too. So we need good weather on Friday, as they have off road, beasts of mobility scooters that I'm looking forward to going on! Couldn't care less about the sculptures. Lol. It's the fresh air and a park that I'm looking forward to! So fingers crossed some of the pains are gone or at least aren't as bad by then.

    Need to keep myself occupied today. I should have been heading for a train anytime now to go to my sister-in-law-to-be's hen do up in Newcastle. I'm seriously bummed by it, but there's absolutely no way I could have managed a pub crawl around Newcastle with all I've got going on right now. Even without the abdomen issues it would have been a struggle!

    Just bleh. 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.