The cat was the final straw.

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  • 44 subscribers

Bloody bissum is going to get put up for adoption if she's not careful! 

Sitting here in tears because I've just found she's pissed on the landing carpet, twice, because I've not changed her litter so that it's up to her specs. All because I'm on bed/couch rest at the minute and am not supposed to lift or carry anything.

So once I've pulled myself together, I'm going to have to change the litter in three litter trays tonight so no more carpet weeing happens. Then tomorrow I'll need to carry the hoover upstairs and hoover up the powder I've put on the puddles to soak them up. Then I'll need to clean the carpets to get rid of any remnants. Great bed rest huh? 

Fuck this shite! 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    Hi Lass, I hope you managed to get some sleep, this heat is draining, the least movement has me leaking from every pore lol. Had a lovely weekend away in the caravan near York but back to boring stuff =n hubby's accounts and clearing out cupboards. Hope you have a good day xx Lynn 2.

  • I managed a little over 9 hours, but am now dealing with the codeine hangover. Lol. Had a shower and am currently recovering from that. Then I'll need to try and eat something before going for my preop assessment for my liver biopsy next week. 

    Because when you're sore and swollen, you def want to be stabbed in that same area a few times then lie flat on top of the stabbed bit for 6 to 8 hours to try and prevent bile from leaking into your body or internal bleeding. Then spend the night in the hospital under observation because there's noone to be at home with you to make sure you're OK. They refused to accept my cats as responsible adults.... Lol. 

    The week after that, I have a hysteroscopy with biopsy too. Not sure if I can 'assume the position' at the moment though.... So that'll be fun! 

    So many things to look forward too.....



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • So. Spent 3 hours at the hospital and came back in burning agony, abdomen does NOT like me moving or sitting on normal chairs. So much for wondering if it was maybe improving. So Tues and Wed were spent recovering and being fairly miserable.

    Today I went to the GP to discuss my mystery blood results. Seems he's concerned that my Vitamin D has dropped despite being on 2,400 IU a day. So blood test repeated there today. He's emailed Haematology again, as.... Something has gone up again and he wants to check it's OK. Then, and this is what's confused me, my cholesterol has gone up since September, despite me no longer eating butter on anything or using oil to cook with. I've also cut most meat out of my diet and gone more pescetarian. So no idea what's going on there, but it can just stop right now please and thanks!

    Then we moved on to the letter I sent. He's furious on my behalf. After I saw him 10 days or so ago, he wrote to my consultant and told him what he'd observed with me, and said he advised he saw me ASAP as I was clearly in trouble. The consultant hasn't responded to my GP, nor has he contacted me to see what's going on.

    PALS told me to get back in touch if a meeting wasn't sorted by the end of Tuesday. I was called on Monday by a guy who said he was trying to find out when my consultant was free, then he'd get back to me. I've still not heard from them about a meeting. So PALS got a call at lunch to chase up. They're looking into it. 

    I went from the GP office out to lunch with a friend at a garden centre. Managed a bowl of gazpacho and some sweet potato fries, then was stuffed. Still stuffed now in fact, which isn't right. Started having a wander to look at plants as I have a hanging basket I want to make look pretty. However after a few mins, the pain intensified, the nausea intensified, dizziness started, and I felt really ill. Had to cut the trip short as I just needed to get home ASAP. 

    Got in, sat down, and I think I pretty much passed out almost immediately. Woke up 2 hours later and my watch says I didn't move a muscle in those 2 hours. Proper sleeping like the dead. 

    Still feel like crap, definitely unimpressed with my body, but off to find some ice as mine melted before I drank my water.

    Bleh to it all. 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    Bleh indeed . You’re doing all the right things but nothing is happening it seems. Hang in there! 


  • Hi Lass, It's very frustrating when you do everything you can but have to wait on others doing their bit! I do hope your doc keeps on at them and things turn around for the better very soon! I know what you mean about hospital chairs, I always come home in agony!

    Ive got everything crossed for you! Take Care 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • I've received my appointment through to see the gall bladder specialist..... 

    13th of September. 

    Good to see they are taking this pain and swelling, that is stopping me from doing the little I was able to before it started, seriously....

    Alternatively, they don't believe it's the gallbladder causing it either and are hoping that the random guess of "it'll clear up within a month" will come true. Well, we're now a week and a half into that guess, and it's not cleared up or changed for the better in the slightest. In fact a friend popped in yesterday and commented that just looking at me, you can see I'm not symmetrical and that the right of me bulges out.

    So.... Yay. 




    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    Seriously ? I think you’d better hurry up and spontaneously recover. You’ve only got two and a half weeks left you know. 

    I’m joking obviously. I don’t think there’s an emoji frightful enough for what I’d like to express. 


  • Hi Lass, Well if that's them giving you an urgent appointment, heaven help those who are non urgent! Isn't it ridiculous!

    JUst hang in there!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • So, just been called by the Admin bloke dealing with my complaint. 

    Apparently the consultant he was waiting to get back to him, still hasn't. Because.... He's in Japan on annual leave for 3 weeks. The first time he's back in clinic is the 22nd of August, so he's booked me in for an appointment then.

    I said that's totally unacceptable as I've now been this way for almost 6 weeks now, and I'm not waiting another 3 and a bit weeks to see someone about it. I also pointed out that my GP had written to him about my problem before he went on holiday, and he'd not responded. Neither have I received the letter that was written on the 16th of July.

    I asked why I had to see Dr Mohammed when I'd only seen him once before my colonoscopy. It wasn't like it's an ongoing case that he's been involved in from the beginning. He asked if I'd be willing to see someone else and I said I'd see anyone at all who could help me, I really wasn't fussy. Nothing had been addressed to Dr Mohammed from me, it was all addressed to generic people and just anyone who could help. 

    So he called me back no more than 10 mins later with a cancellation appointment this afternoon at 3:40. I kinda feel sorry for whomever I'm about to see, but I'm not leaving until I get some answers I'm happy with, along with reasons for what's going on in my abdomen, and a plan to fix it.

    Fingers crossed for us all! 

    Now, off to shower so I'm decent to be examined! 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    You tell em Lass, i would do the same, i hope someone can sort something out for you. If they say they can't help, Stamp your feet n shout !!!  Let us know how you get on. Lynn 2 xx