The cat was the final straw.

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  • 48 subscribers

Bloody bissum is going to get put up for adoption if she's not careful! 

Sitting here in tears because I've just found she's pissed on the landing carpet, twice, because I've not changed her litter so that it's up to her specs. All because I'm on bed/couch rest at the minute and am not supposed to lift or carry anything.

So once I've pulled myself together, I'm going to have to change the litter in three litter trays tonight so no more carpet weeing happens. Then tomorrow I'll need to carry the hoover upstairs and hoover up the powder I've put on the puddles to soak them up. Then I'll need to clean the carpets to get rid of any remnants. Great bed rest huh? 

Fuck this shite! 

  • Daloni, 

    She came into the room earlier today with a cannula cart and I wanted to hide. Luckily, she wasn't coming for me! And yeh, funnily enough, the sachet last night and the sachet this morning did sod all.


    I was in Jimmy's. Chancellor Wing Surgical Assessment Unit. Lol


    Funnily enough, they didn't ask me to full one out and there were none in the unit to be found.... Now, I've had some bad bruises before from blood draws. But not from anything the nurse did so far as I could tell. She was just horrific!

    Rhubarb certainly has some laxative properties.... 


    Maybe not. She was in a green uniform that's apparently not a nurse. It's something else, but they are the ones who do all the blood draws as it's not a nurse job on that unit. Who knows, politics! Lol

    Kirky and Button

    More than you know.... Shit and bottom. Lol

    This is what I'm currently drinking. Its a litre and a half of fizzy water, ice, green banana juice, and 6 sachets of Macrogol. I've also got two senna tablets to take before bed. 

    Bigwigs looked at everything and have decided that I started with the Postpolypectomy electrocoagulation syndrome. This caused swelling around the clips holding me together. Then I was told to take regular painkillers, which I did and increased as the pain increased. So they think the narrowing of my bowel coupled with my pain killers has stopped me up. 

    Seems that my scans and Xrays have shown everything backing up more and more. So they are presuming the syndrome is over and fine, and this is just an old fashioned case of constipation in the middle of my bowel. But not an obvious one, because the positioning of it means that some can still get by the blockage so my bowel habits haven't changed.


    Least I'm home! And hopefully, this cocktail will mean it's all over tomorrow! Fingers crossed! 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • Blimey Lass, that looks sore. Has your cocktail worked?


    Flowerlady x
  • Still drinking it. Not expecting movement until tomorrow though. And yes, my arm smarts. It's a very fetching shade of purple just now.  Lol



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    Thank goodness you’re home. I hope you start to feel. Eyes soon 


  • I was out of there like a shot! The Dr started to ask if I could cope at home or did I want to stay in. I didn't let her finish and said I'd go home for sure. As soon as they left, I was up, grabbing clothes, changing, then with prescription in hand I was out of there. A whole 5 mins after they'd gone it took me. Lol

    Nurse fuzzy face, aka pissy pants, has been looking after me and being supercute since I got home. I think she knows I'm not right.



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • She’s gorgeous. The cutest little face. 

  • Nine and a half hours in the hospital today, sent there by my GP as my stomach is still fucking sore and ridiculously swollen. No food, no daily meds, 1 lot of pain killers. 

    Told them when I got there at 3:30 I'd need Xrays to check the impacted area to see if the week of 8 sachets of Macrogol a day and 2 Senna had worked or not. Went for Xrays at 10pm.

    Xrays show that things have moved and nothing looks impacted. So we are back to not knowing wtf is wrong, though there is very clearly and definitely something wrong. 

    Sent home at 1am, told I'll be called tomorrow with a time to return for a scan - she wasn't sure if it would be an ultrasound, an MRI, or a CT scan, or a mixture. After the scan, I get to go back to that god awful unit to wait for the results and to see what happens next. Oh, and the scan needs to be a fasting scan. Cause why not eh!

    I just need this to be done now please. 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    OMG Lass what a nightmare. 

    Hope you get this sorted once and for all in the morning. 

    Hugs P xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    Crikey . That’s not what I’d call a good day. I really hope they can get to the bottom of this - and help you feel more comfortable 

    love and hugs xx

  • Hi ,

    I hope that you managed to get a decent nights sleep last night as it sounds like you are having a terrible time and everything is taking so long.

    As it is a fasting scan I hope you get an early appointment and take a nice picnic with you that you can start on that as soon as the scans are out of the way.

    I was hoping to get over and visit this week but I have had some sort of stomach problem with lots of belching, breaking wind and diarrhoea.  I did talk to the doctor who thought it was an infection of some sort but then it cleared up for two days so I did not follow up but it returned, so today I think I might have to call them again.  I know has not been well either as we had been discussing coming over with to visit but it looks like it will have to wait a bit.

    love and hugs,

    Gragon xx