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This is the start of a new journey for me and my much loved friends from the original Oesophegus thread on general discussions.

We have become a close group and this will be our new home to continue our journey as life has become very hard for many of us and we keep re-living our journeys with lots of newbies which puts us all back a bit.

So my lovely friends Mel, Sam, Helen, Bern, Jac, Nic, Dawn, Sue, Cath, Lesley, Jani and the many other special friends Mel and I have made over the last 16 months this is it we have a new home.

Love to all and extra strength to carry us through our next stage XXX

  • FormerMember
    you are very welcome love, you know I am here for you
    I think I may be missing something that you need to explain to me, what has Ninjas,mushrooms and now spiders got to do with anything. hahahaha I am suffering from Dopeycowitus so bear with me xxxx
  • FormerMember
    Hi Nic,

    It's so tough I had a real hard B/day too it's the reality of whats happened really hitting us when days like that come along. Send your sister love and strength from us all here XXX
  • FormerMember
    Hi Wendy,
    How are you?
    when is your baby due? its so exciting
  • FormerMember
    Right Den, Mel is known as a mushroom as she has a floppy mushroom hat which she wore for Dawn's wedding a year ago yesterday. The ninja suit is what she wears when she feels like kicking butt and you added the spiders to the concoction ha ha.
  • FormerMember
    Yay Wendy, of course you are joining us I am (like the others) a cyber auntie after all XXX Hope your enjoying the relaxing part of maternity leave.X
  • FormerMember
    so what you are telling me is that when Mushroom has her Ninja outfit on I have to run and hide.
    I have got that
  • FormerMember
    Yep hun and when you hide you have to remember that Bern has the dyson to fly on!!!!!
  • FormerMember
    Right then Wendy I think we need to start a sweepstake!!!

    Do you know it's gender?
  • FormerMember

    Oh Wendy that is so exciting, is this the first one?

    Are you in Spain too, or is this another thing I have got wrong?

  • FormerMember
    Oh it's story time !!!

    Well Den, I love hats, so for a friends wedding I bought a beautiful, rather large floppy hat to wear with pride.

    I am only 5ft 1.5inches, so when I floated downstairs in my lovely ensemble, my Husband and 10 year old daughter took one look and fell about laughing. They said that I looked like a mushroom !!!!!!

    With my pride slightley dented I removed the hat, and did not wear it to the wedding. I love the hat so much though that it often comes out, just to make me feel good. I have been known to sit here for hours whilst wearing my lovely mushroom hat, and I even wore it in honour of Dawn and Vince's wedding day, while cooking a BBQ for my relatives.

    You see the hat helps me feel good despite making me look like a mushroom, so that is where we get our mushroom power from and if you are good I will let you borrow the said hat !
