We all get good as well as bad news, let's just post the news here....

  • 5022 replies
  • 11 subscribers
All of us on here get both good and bad news, i wanted to start a thread for all types of news, for everyone to post their news.....
  • This is for Juls, to help her rant, please do post your bad news that made you feel so angry...........


  • FormerMember
    Ok moomy. When I get angry I either wind down the window and shout at the the person on their mobile phone whilst driving..... or I get so pro-active you'd think I was auditioning for Sir Alan.

    Sis was really poorly yesterday. She could barely walk down the corridor of the hospice. The fluid build up was bad; on admission on Tuesday they had said draining the fluid when necessary would not be a problem however prior to my arrival yesterday they had told her that they would probably drain her on Monday. This meant a weekend of discomfort, increasing pain and lack of abiity to eat. So the red mist descends. Now you need to know that my sis doesn't like a 'fuss'. She will tell people she is 'fine' and smile and not want to bother anyone. If she wakes in the night she would sooner get out of the bed and look for a nurse than press the buzzer. She makes sure she is smart for ward rounds, changing pj's for example or even dressing properly. So when I 'get on the case' it is with this in mind. I do eloquent concern with deference. Suffice it to say that she was drained of the fluid yesterday (5 litres); this brings instant pain free relief followed by the consumption of a 3 course dinner. Result. I like changing bad news into something good. Linda xxx
  • Hey, good for you! a result!......love to you........


  • FormerMember
    just wanted to let u know helen hun, my breast care nurse rang me the other day and told me to get a secdond opinion, she gunna fone me next week wiv sum names and places where i can go xxxx
  • Shelliey, am so very pleased with your news, didn't I say you should ask for a second opinion?!!!


  • My good news for today, Caz will only have a short rehearsal in London, then will be able to catch up on her sleep!...........She is enjoying working with one of the 'grand old men' of music, Pierre Boulez....


  • FormerMember
    My good news is I have just spoken to a very dear friend, who I have come to really value and respect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Out of pain and misery comes friendship!!!!

    bad news...................er......................er ok so still marking on yet another sunny day ...........but even that has been excellent as the assignment is worthy of recognition and merit for excellence!
  • Hey, Juls, that chat was really good news.....great to hear your voice!

    Other good news, Caz safely in Brussels, and concert tomorrow, home again Thursday, driving back to her place straightaway.....


  • my good news? maybe an early night? at last?


  • Just had a lovely walk and also taught my friend to toast crumpets on our firepit! She has never ever toasted crumpets on a real fire before!
