We all get good as well as bad news, let's just post the news here....

  • 5022 replies
  • 11 subscribers
All of us on here get both good and bad news, i wanted to start a thread for all types of news, for everyone to post their news.....
  • Morag, the very best for the Race for Life, just two tips, a sports or supportive bra, and a really comfy, not new pair of trainers! I have done the Flora light challenge for women, the same distance, and I raised ÂŁ700 for Cancer Research too.....

    Shelliey, we are ok, Caz is doing Chicago again tonight......will be home again about midnight or just after....


  • FormerMember
    omg!!!! do u 2 eva rest hun?
    love and hugs to u both
  • Yes, we do rest, much more than you realise, lol!!!! And well done, you, for starting a 'change your name back, Donna,', thread!


  • Hello, all, am just keeping my news thread going, well, Caz went off today, for her Birmingham concert and then on to her place. I think she benefitted form the rest and company, as she had been without her house-mate for a bit, who had been away busy. I decided that I should get on with planting all the bedding plants that my hubby says he'll not bother with, every year and then does, so have pulled up the winter pansies and planted out loads of bedding plants! Just hope for some gentle showers now, NO MORE heavy rain though! Hope all my friends are doing ok.....


  • FormerMember
    I am following you around here saying hi helen lol
  • So you are, how are you doing today?


  • FormerMember
    not too bad love, have you finished your planting, the dog is in the garden getting over her little op, god knows what the cats are up to, sleeping I hope
  • FormerMember
    hello ladies, just thought id come and let u know ive only lost 1lb this fortnight,
    was quite disheartened by it but nurse sed im supposed to lose 5% of my original
    weight in 12 weeks, but have almost lost that in 5 weeks so its not too bad.
    Hope ur both ok xoxoxox
  • Karen, yes, have put all the plants out now and am aching with all the bending! what it is to be getting on in years, lol!

    Shelliey, you have lost loads, so don't get down hearted, you are doing just fine!


  • FormerMember
    thanx helen hun xoxox