New diagnosis, confused please help

  • 15 replies
  • 18 subscribers

My mum has had really bad upper back and shoulder pain for around a year or so. The GP kept saying it was muscular and referred her to physio etc. She's recently had a bad cough, has lost weight, coughing up specks of blood, a hoarse throat etc. They finally sent her for an xray and CT after antibiotics for a chest infection didn't work. They have told her she has a large lung mass and they think its cancer. 

I just need some insight really as we are all totally confused and worried sick and her next appointment is next week. 

Are they allowed to say they think its cancer without confirming or will it definitely be cancer by the results of the CT scan?

  • Hey

    sorry, just realised I didn’t check in with how you got on seeing the specialists?

    Made it to kings for the tests which didn’t show much (as expected nothing neurological just carpal tunnel) 

    then I receive another email from a different secretary again saying along the lines of “spoken with colleagues still on pathway under a dr shah chasing my histology then I will hear back from the team shortly”

    the waiting is just tedious!

    thinking of you anyway

    C Xx

  • Hey sorry for the late reply. Sorry to hear what you're going through! 

    Unfortunately for my mum it doesn't sound great Disappointed  they are really worried. The mass is 7cm, they think its spread already possibly to her lymph nodes and adrenal gland. They mentioned they don't think it will be curable but they will try and shrink it. She has a biopsy tomorrow and then a clinic appointment next Friday where they will discuss treatment options etc xx

  • Thank you so much xx

  • The biopsy results may change treatment types- hang on in there! 
    waiting for results is the worst

    C Xx

  • Hi Country _Bumpkin,

    Met with the consultant surgeon on Monday morning. My husband was with me and my 3 adult children were waiting at home. 

    He was very reassuring. The biopsy revealed a cancerous tumour. The CAT scan was clear for other organs. That was a major worry for me although I know there is a range of treatments available for those circumstances. Apart from the all clear, I think it was very hopeful. I am going for a further colonoscopy tomorrow to prepare for the operation. It is keyhole. He is planning the surgery in March. 

    I am thankful that there is a pathway. Hang on in there. I found the waiting for results very stressful but with the help of family and people on here I got there. You will too. X