Working with cancer

  • 12 replies
  • 15 subscribers

I took the decision to not work just after being diagnosed with breast cancer in October. I’ve had two surgeries since then to remove the lump and have lymph node clearance. It’s been hard. I’m now waiting to see oncology to discuss further treatment. I was told by someone i should’ve still worked as there’s no reason not too. Did I make the wrong decision? 

  • You need to put yourself and your well being first. It's your decision and you need time to recover. Words do hurt, especially when it is from someone close. Spend time with your feet up, watch the soaps, read a magazine, play on line games- whatever it is that you fancy doing. Try and get out to the shops or for a short walk each day - that helped me. 


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  • Thanks jane2511. I am about to do exactly that right now. Just getting myself comfy. I know I should put myself first but I do find it hard to do that. Thank you for your advice.