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Hi I'm Sarah My boyfriend has terminal liver cancer I was wondering if anyone else has had the same problem it's been 9 months now and he's not had any help or treatment I have tried everything but no one seems to be doing anything a nurse from Macmillan told me to ask my GP to get palliative care nurses in I got in touch with my doctor today and he's not even done it yet I feel like no one cares about him sadly all he does is sleep I don't know what to do 

  • Welshy82  I'm so glad that someone is now helping you.  It's long overdue.

    It's probably beneficial for you to have someone to talk to hon right now.  It may help you to keep going xx. Hope your boyfriend can get his symptoms treated as fast as possible so he's more comfortable.

    Lucy xx

  • Dear Welshy82 , It beggers belief , It seems you are having the door slammed in your face every where you turn,  I think if myself as a strong person but I know I wouldn't of coped with no support,  I truly hope whoever fills your ds500 can get you some support,  my husband has deteriorated the past 2 weeks ( terminal renal cancer) and I count myself lucky our GP and local hospice and Macmillan has been at the end of the phone , please take up the offer of counselling you are dealing with so much and having someone to talk to / vent your anger at the shocking situation you find yourself in.

    Take care x x

  • Thank you the his doctor filed in the form and sent it off to pip the receptionist phoned earlier she found out why no ones helping him locally it’s because he’s not at deaths door yet it’s bloody wrong and she hates it then I had a call from his old nurse and she’s arranging a blood test and scan to see if it’s grown or spread onto his lungs she’s also arranged a meeting on Wednesday to hopefully get him treatment without a biopsy because everyone has said the same it’s pointless in him having one done at last something is happening xx

  • Thankfully I am very strong I’ve not had the best of life I am very lucky I have good friends around me because my family doesn’t care unfortunately the doctor has sent the form off and gave us a copy our doctors are good they have tried their best the reason they are not helping is because he’s not about to die it’s bloody wrong thankfully his old nurse is helping she’s arranging a bloody test and a scan for him she has also arranged a meeting Wednesday to see if he can have treatment without a biopsy because we have all said the same he’s not strong enough and it’s pointless really I never thought I would have to be doing it all myself the receptionist did offer me to see the councillor there I don’t feel like I need it yet the offer is open for whenever I need to see her I hope your husband is doing ok I saw for myself sadly how quickly people deteriorate with cancer my mam went down hill very quickly she died in may after a short illness with it I don’t know how long she knew she had cancer for because she never told us sadly xxxxx

  • Thankfully it looks like it will be soon because of Lindsey the amazing nurse she’s sorting everything out for him I have bought her a lovely card and chocolates to thank her xx

  • Hi, I'm so pleased things are moving hon. The most important thing now is that he gets the best and most appropriate treatment. Xx