Hair colouring

  • 16 replies
  • 13 subscribers


Does anyone know when you can start to have hair coloured again following chemo please? It went very thin and lots came out, but didn’t lose it thankfully.

Last chemo was November 2019. Now on pembrolizumab since Dec 2019. Having this treatment every 3 weeks.


  • Hi and welcome to the online community

    I can't answer your question but it would be a good idea to also post this question in the group that relates to the type of cancer that you had.

    I've had a look in your profile but, as you haven't completed it yet, I can't give you a direct link unfortunately. If you click here it will take you to the cancer groups and you could then scroll through and see which one fits with you.

    When you have a minute it would be really useful if could pop something about your journey so far into your profile as it helps others when answering or looking for someone with a similar diagnosis. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Edit Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi @prettygreeneyes

    ,There's a discussion re hair colouring in the Breast cancer group - under title "Interesting article on hair dyes"

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to buttercup01

    That’s great, thank you for letting me know.

  • Good spot  and here's the link to the discussion .


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • FormerMember

    Hi Prettygreeneyes 

    Just joined the forum and wondered if you had found any helpful information regarding hair dye? I had my last chemo September last year but fortunately with the treatment I had I didn't lose my hair. I am now having immunotherapy every 2 weeks. Some sites say you can dye your hair but I'm rather nervous about just going ahead? Don't want anything dramatic just something to brighten me up and cover the greys!! Slight smile

  • Hi @wongi, see link for above re hair dye

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to buttercup01

    Hi Buttercup

    Thank you for your reply! I will take another look at the link. I probably missed something somewhere!! :D)

  • Heya Wongi, 

    If you're looking for an all over colour, then henna is a good option as it is all natural. Also, if you stay away from bleach, then there are lots of colours that are pigment only. 

    It's just a case of reading the back of the products to see what's what. 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    Hiya Lass

    Thank you so much for your reply. Never gave henna a thought! As an (almost natural) redhead it may be just what I'm looking for! I shall check out the ranges and see if I can get fixed up. I will let you know how I get on

    Thank you again Grin

  • Oooooo, I've seen some amazing reds come from henna due, so that'll look stunning I'm sure. And yeh, thought I'd mention it after scanning the linked thread and seeing nothing mentioned about it. 

    I live in Leeds which is wonderfully multicultural, so loads of henna dye options at really cheap prices. I'm always in hair shops, looking for funky colours for my own hair. I'm a faded.... Plummy violet at the moment. Lol. So need to go investigating to pic my next colour. 

    Good luck! 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.