Has anybody started a hobby since diagnosis?

  • 20 replies
  • 15 subscribers

Hi I’m KT and I’m awaiting my scan results, my original diagnosis was in 2015 no primary, but melanoma in my pelvic and abdominal lymph nodes so I’ve had scans every 3 months (at least) since July 2015. Now as this is the area for chats about anything and that usually means not cancer related (as usually those discussions are in the specific cancer groups) I thought here might be a good place to ask about what keeps people going what hobbies do people have or did they start any new hobbies after their diagnosis. I think I’m looking for ideas, something new to enjoy, something that might start as a distraction but that becomes something I will want to carry on doing just for the pleasure of it. 

When I was first diagnosed I was given one or two colouring books, I wasn’t very well and that suited at the time although I have not completed them. After months of treatment I started going to local health walks, and then a cancer rehab gym and walking Netball sessions and I do walks in the countryside to enjoy the countryside, English Heritage and National Trust and (I’m hesitating to own up to this) well to play Pokémon Go which involves walking with my phone to collect Pokémon and well you’ll have to google it or ask me more.

I’ve been very lucky that my incurable diagnosis has been treated with immunotherapy and I’ve been no measurable disease for some long periods since 2015 but I’m expecting due to a lump I can feel to have to come off my current treatment (which I have by iv every 3 weeks) and when my results are back change to a one of a few options. I’ve been hoping to be in long term remission and to stop treatment in March, in which case a new hobby would be a great new start, and if I am moving forward with new treatment I think a new hobby would also fit the bill, and is a much nicer thing to think about than what the scan results may be. 

So I wondered if I could learn from other people’s experience what they enjoy doing what brightens their day as I think that would help me right now.

  • Thanks , some very useful tips here.

    Thanks , how fascinating that sound a very original and interesting thing to do. 

    Take care KT

  • FormerMember

    Hi KT

    Joining the We Can Survive Singers has been my new "hobby" and through that I've restarted woodturning a few items for them!

  • I found researching my family tree keeps me occupied for hours and stops my brain straying! I had started it before my cancer diagnosis but got into it again when I needed to distract myself. 

    I enjoy it because it gives you a tremendous sense of achievement when you manage to track down an elusive ancestor. I use the Ancestry website and you can start with a free trial to see if it's something you might like to do. There are also other website based companies you can use and, of course, it's an indoor hobby so ideal if you can't be outside.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    I use Findmypast. Because it's Remembrance Weekend they have a free offer on today and tomorrow 

  • I'm pretty sure that Ancestry have also got a free weekend offer on for the same reason.

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi , Oh wood turning? was that to raise more funds for the choir or did the members find out your hidden skills? What sort of items have you made ? My mind has just wandered to a tv programme I once saw about a coffin club that made, well you guessed it but it also mean5 5hat it made those kind odd conversations easier between them. 

    I imagine wood turning to be very skilled wood. 

    I had a message from someone whose taken part in a rock choir today, I do remember an episode of Cold Feet which featured a choir of cancer survivors. I’m not ruling that out as I’ve seen a few taster day adverts a few weeks ago, I’m just slow to take action. 

    Take care KT

  • Hi , I forgot you were in to ancestry tracing, I don’t think I’d heard of Find my past so that’s some useful info from both of you thank you. I’d better get my skates on to take advantage of a free trial to see if that’s up my street/tree !! 

    Take care KT

  • Wow, what a lot of lovely ideas you've all had between you! Reminds me I could really do with doing something more than reading and letter writing in my ( early) retirement 'tho I do enjoy doing both of those .

    Thanks for your inspirational posts

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to KTatHome

    It came about as a result of their weekly raffle, the prizes were brought by them and obviously female orientated, so they suggested I contribut something more manly and being a Yorkshireman I decided to make something and turned a mushroom.

    They were highly amused by this (and raised quite a few rude comments), so I turned some similar things, as prizes

  • Ah, , so I was right, it is very skilled and it was to raise money, and I’m glad it gave them some amusement, as it did me when I read your post ! 

    Take care KT