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Who wants what to be picked for us this year?

I'd like Freaks, sung by the boy.



  • Hi Lass,

    Freaks was the one I liked most on first listen. But to be honest, I like all 3 so wouldn’t mind who gets it. Btw, I am watching after pausing live TV so about 20 mins behind real time!


  • I was too, then I fastforwarded through the second playing of the finalists songs. Lol

    The first was too much like a generic pop song. And our pop isn't the same as the rest of Europe - so those never do well.

    The third was ok. But I really want drag queens to parody the country version. They could do a lot with the vague lyrics of it being big.... Lol

    I think Europe would like the lyrics of Freaks, and the guy has one of those cute bouncy personalities that would play well on the circuit.




    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • Well that was exciting. I’m happy with the outcome. I could imagine that being staged really well.

    Just 3 months to get even more excited now!!

  • I'm not holding my breath for our chances with that. But I really am thinking seriously about reaching out to some of the RuPaul Drag Race Queens on social media to see if they'll parody it.


    Might help in some countries..... But def won't in others! 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • I am such a geek. All 41 songs now listened to. My fav 3 on first listen (not necessarily who I think will win), just my fav 3 after one listen:




    Super excited!!!!!

  • Sadly, I've heard the song from Iceland..... Lol. Going to try and persuade my friend to enter next year. He's SO much better than them!

    However, I'm trying not to listen to them until the semis. That way I can see the costumes and staging while hearing the song for the first time. Otherwise, I costume and stage them in my head according to how I like Eurovision to look..... then I'm inevitably disappointed. Lol

    But always looking forward to Eurovision. All year, every year. Lol



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • If your friend is from the UK, he’ll never make it, we just don’t have the guts to send songs like that!

    For sure, it’s a marmite song - many will hate it, but many like me will love it. It has a nice mix of light and dark and you can’t deny it has a personality - a lot better than many songs which engender a reaction of meh.

    Roll on May!!

  • Nooooo. He's Icelandic, born, bred, currently residing. Lol

    It's a bit like the..... was it Finland who sent the screaming metal band? Oh! Lordi? Was that their name?

    But that's part of the joy of Eurovision. All the different styles and performers. But you've got to still have acts like Russian Grannies, and Israeli chicken women imo to make it Eurovision!



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • He should give it a go. It’s a small country after all, only about 300k population I think - same size as a regional town in UK!

    I get that Eurovision has its novelty element. I just think when you look under the surface, even the perceived novelty ones are actually good songs. It drives me mad when people in the UK who only watch the final say, oh it’s fixed, it’s a farce, etc, etc, etc. What most fail to realize is 9 times out of 10 the best song wins. A lot of countries take it seriously - something we don’t do unfortunately, wheeling out the average, middle of the road ballad that no one in their right mind would vote for. Don’t get me wrong, ours is a nice song by a good singer, but it doesn’t have the same quality as 10-12 songs I would say on first listen.

    Plus, it’s a fun show - so why throw in a bit of bondage-infused techno punk!

  • I think that since they changed the voting structure, so that the general public in all countries get a vote, you can't say it's a fix as much as you used to be able to. Because in the past, and still now to an extent, there is some very definite political voting and people were not voting for one of the better songs.

    I don't mind if we don't take it seriously, I do mind that we send middle of the road crap. Problem is, when you ask the public to choose, you're always going to end up with an average between everyone, which means the one in the middle. I'd much rather we went to the extreme of kitsch, and novelty. Like what were they called? Skoosh? The ones all dressed as flight attendants. I'd rather we send that than what we are sending. lol



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.