Results day

  • 12 replies
  • 22 subscribers

so I had my results today : all cancer is gone! Clear margins and clear lymph nodes. Had 3 removed and all cleared. My consultant was my surgeon and he had tears in his eyes as he delivered the news. He was so pleased. He said the two lumps he removed were the sizes they predicted (9mm and 18mm) he also said there were other cancerous cells in my breast. 

But all is gone. 

Im in shock. Doesn’t feel real. I’m so happy. Just waiting the results of my onco dx test to put a treatment plan together. 

Thank you to everyone for your kind words and support. I don’t know what else to say now xx

  • I am so so pleased for you, it is such a relieve when you get good results.  I hope you are recovering well after surgery.

    My consultant rang me on Friday with my Onco test results and I was an 8 so no chemo. So fingers crossed that you get a good score xx

  • FormerMember

    That's fantastic news

  • Fabulous news Lady Tinkerbell. When they tell you that the cancer is gone and none in nodes or margins it does not sink in as you are still accepting that you was diagnosed with breast cancer in the first place but it helps with your recovery and your stamina to stay strong and positive especially with positive results.

    After a agonising month of  waiting due to delays I had my DX Onco test results last Tuesday and I scored 7% risk . Me and Rosie123 had similar cancers. So let’s hope it will come in 3’s and you get a low score too. 

    Keeping everything crossed for you.

    Love Netty xx

  • Hi

    Just replied to your other post, I thought your results were today. 
    Im so pleased for you, seems there has been quite a bit of Good news on here recently with results. It’s fabulous! 

    Love Tina x x

  • Hi Tinker bell

    So pleased for you, that's great news. I had my surgery last week and was told next day that the sentinel node was clear as my hospital runs the test whilst under anaesthetic. The relief was huge.

    I do have to wait 3 weeks for a different Her2 test as initial biopsy one was inconclusive but I'm told for lobular it's usually negative. So I'm hopeful, but obviously nervous until I know.

    My armpit wound is really tender and had a reaction to intravenous morphine so feeling fragile still.

    Can't wait to get the dvt stockings off! Joy 

  • Fantastic news for you too! 

    Im desperate to get these stockings off too - was told yesterday I need them on another 3 weeks minimum!!! 

    Il hang them up at Xmas lol !! 

    My arm and underarm is killing me still. Very swollen and either dead arm or sunburn feeling and not much movement. 

    But it’s a small price to pay! 

    Keep in touch xxx

    Tinker bell xx
  • Sorry , that comment about the stocking really made me laugh x x

  • Make sure that the stockings don't shrink in the wash though. Mine did and I ended up with broken veins near my knee! Not exactly what was meant to be, but apparently the green NHS ones do shrink:)

    “Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet.  Stephen Hawking,
  • Thanks for the heads up il keep an eye! Xx

    Tinker bell xx
  • Hi netty

    for some reason I’m only just seeing this reply of yours? I’m not using this site right I’m sure! 

    Thanks fir your lovely message. My consultant told me if I score higher than 5% it’s chemo! Is that right? 

    Whst actually is it that determines it? The higher results obviously but how do you score higher? 

    Tinker bell xx