Decision about adjuvant chemo

  • 14 replies
  • 20 subscribers

Hi everyone

I am 45 years old and by a series of strange coincidences diagnosed with breast cancer in July. I never felt any lump. Anyway, I had a lumpectomy of my ER+, HER 2 neg tumour on 6 Aug. It was grade 3 and 25mm. My lymph nodes were negative and the tumour was fully excised! Yay!! (Hence Kill Bill Vol. 1 concluded.) :-)

Saw the oncologist today and wasn't expecting much discussion about chemo yet since my surgeon had mentioned that risk of recurrence would be assessed with Oncotype DX for which results would take a few weeks to come back.

However, the oncologist informed me that OTDX is not very useful in patients under 50 and that he used the Predict tool to base treatment decisions on. According to that there is benefit in me going for chemo.

However the decision is still mine to make and I am afraid the data for and against chemo to me does not seem clear cut. At 15 years, chemo adds 8% to the survival rate than hormonal treatment alone based, on my specific tumour details. I also realise that the tool is not an accurate predictor of the real outcomes.

Does anyone have any similar experience in having to make this decision? I am not sure if going through the agony of chemo is going to be worth it. :-(

Thanks a lot for taking the time to read this!

KB x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I have had a lumpectomy and further surgery to remove more tissue. My chemo is due to start in September but as yet I do not know the plan. I am only aware that I will have to have herceptin for the Hert 2. I have bought wigs and they look so real. I have also purchased hats and a scarf. I am scared about losing my hair and the possibility of feeling poorly but I also remain positive. Please let me know how you get on. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Cherry119

    Hi Cherry119

    Sorry for the late reply. I haven't logged in for a while.

    I too wasn't really expecting to go through chemo based on the original results; however my surgeon was open with me about needing a risk assessment once the results are back post surgery.

    I have had a follow-up consultation with my oncologist to discuss the PREDICT outcome and he has again reitterated that OTDX is not of value for my age and may confuse matters even more for me. 

    So we are not going agead with that.

    I really am keeping my fingers crossed for you to not be in the same situation. It is a difficult decision, but I have to say, based on my gut feeling and various discussions I have had I think I might need to go for it.

    Please let me know how it goes on Tuesday.

    KB xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you for your replys. It’s very reassuring that I’m not going completely la la feeling I’m the only one that should surely feel like this!!

    I had my new patient meet yesterday. Overwhelmed with all the info they tell you... and explained why I was having a PICC line as the treatment spilled out of the vein it could do serious damage, cause skin graphs or worse still amputation.  If that’s not enough to scare the crap out iof you I don’t know what will :/. Anyways.... appointment has been changed to Friday for PICC line and 1st Chemo on Monday... still not sure when to have head shaved though. Head spinning about this one - sure it does for us all and I now know I’m waffling my thoughts!

    I do feel I just want to get on with it now... the waiting is taking its toll in my head, not being able to concentrate on anything and mind block, partner says I look like lights are on but no one in lol 

    I really appreciate your support it means heaps do a big thank you to those who reply xx 

    JB xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    and breathe 

    I found it helped to take each day as it came, don't be stressing yourself about your hair, i didn't need to shave mine until my second treatment. It started falling out 13 days after my first treatment but only looked thinner, so maybe just have a short cut for now then go for the shave later, unless you think you could just go for it all at once. 

    You keep waffling if it helps, i use to talk some right rubbish to my breast care nurse, i often wondered if they had a warning on my file saying "The one who goes on and on" lol 

    Once your treatment starts you will feel better, good luck with the PICC line tomorrow, like i said before it is the best thing and i wish i'd been offered it. 

    When i first started my treatment someone shared this 

       brilliant way of describing it but made me giggle too.

    Keep posting and we'll keep listening xxx