A gift for my wife

  • 2 replies
  • 14 subscribers

Next week will be the last wedding anniversary that I will spend with my wife who has less than 6 months left due to cancer. 

I would like to buy her something special that lets her know how I feel, but also makes her happy, but I am at a loss for ideas, as she has already received all of the candles, cushions, flowers and photographs etc. that she knows what to do with. I am not normally short of ideas for our special occasions, but I have never been in a situation like this before and I am worried that I could upset her.

This has to be something personal that lets her know I love her, how much I will miss her and something that she can keep close to her.

I would really appreciate any suggestions or advice from the people who understand what is happening.

Thank you 

  • Not a question but a response to HusbandJD who I hope sees this as there's no way to reply to his post about a suitable wedding anniversary gift. 

    It was our anniversary recently and I was in a similar quandary as yourself. I found a website that made framed prints of maps and had a section entitled 'where we met' so I ordered one for our anniversary.

    It's not fancy but it's a solid reminder of the place we first encountered each other and of all the years and times both good and bad we've spent together ever since.

    It's a little something but it can mean a lot.

    I won't give the link as that may seems like advertising even though I have absolutely no connection with the company concerned other than this one purchase.

    But if you're interested then I'm sure a judicious use of search terms will lead you to it yourself.

    My very best wishes to yourself and your wife at this most trying of times.

  • Hello

    I am sorry to hear your wife has been told she has less than 6 months to live due to cancer and so this will be the last Anniversary you spend together. It is clear just how much you’d like to get her something special that shows how precious she is to you. I am glad you have got in touch.

    I can hear there is a lot that you’d like to convey in this present HusbandJD. Your personal knowledge of your wife: past conversations, memories and experiences together, along with what you love about her can all be sources of inspiration for gifts. I wonder however, have you considered writing your feelings in a card to your wife HusbandJD? Although it may sound small or feel hard to do, it’s something she could keep close and which would give you the opportunity to write down how you feel for her which she can then re-read. You’ve already shared so beautifully here how much she means to you.

    You know your wife best HusbandJD. I wonder if it’s maybe feeling so hard to think of something due to feeling so much pressure for it to be exactly ‘right’ or because you feel as if you ‘should’ know what to get? It already sounds like you have put so much time and thought into choosing something- which I’m sure will be clear in whatever you buy. Its understandable that despite usually having lots of ideas for gifts, with it being such an emotional time for you all, it can be hard to think of ideas and at times even do the most day to day things.

    Would it be an option at all to ask your wife if there is anything she would like, or if well enough, that she would like to do together on that day HusbandJD? Sometimes we can put pressure on ourselves to just know the right thing, and feel it’s more special that way, but for many having someone ask what you would like, or like to do, can communicate how much you care and want to make this the most special day for them.

    Everyone is so different in how they feel and what they like or need but if you would like specific ideas and examples of what others going through a similar situation have perhaps bought their partners Husband JD, you may wish to reach out on our supporting someone with incurable cancer forum or our Family and Friends forum to connect with others.

    I do hope this is helpful. Please do keep in touch if you have any questions or need any support going forward HusbandJD. As well as the Online Community, our Support Line is available 8am-8pm, 7 days a week as a place to ask questions or to access a listening ear and emotional support when you need. You can call us on:0808 808 00 00 or contact us via web chat.

    Take care,


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