Cancer Blogs

Blogging can be a great way to journal your experiences and share with others. Why not create your own cancer journey blog, or have a read of other blogs created by our members?

Unsure how to get started? Take a look at our guide on how to create your own blog.

  • Missing

    Does the missing ever go away? My wonderful Pops had his final sleep 2 years past 12 November thanks to a crappy rare and fast growing brain tumour - 10 months from diagnosis to passing.
  • My kidney cancer

    9 cm tumour T3A N0 MO
  • Kidney cancer

  • BCC

    Facial BCC
  • BCC

    BCC on face
  • BCC help

    Please can anyone give me an idea of what to prepare myself for.
  • What a way to start the NewYear

    Just incredibly afraid. I curled into a ball on the examining table and cried. Not the words I wanted to hear.
  • Why am I having an ultrasound scan after a raised ca125 blood test

    Surely a ct scan would be better and why didn't I have another blood test done before Christmas to check my levels were still high.any answers anyone.
  • Why haven't I lost my taste?

    I've had 4 EC + 1 Tax. Not many side effects bar hair loss + toilet issues. My mouth is odd with enlarged papillae on my tongue but I haven't lost my taste.Is this the case with anyone?Paranoid that chemo isn't working as I don't have what
  • Starting radiotherapy ....... 15 days of treatment ... Scared

    Finished chemotherapy had lump removed diagnosed breast cancer