At peace

Less than one minute read time.

My son, my darling boy,

Want to hold you in my arms,

Feel the warmth of your skin,

The softness of your hair,

Shelter you from harm,

Ive cried a million tears,

But they can never heal this pain,

What i'd give to see the light of life,

Shine on your face again.

Rest in peace my darling boy, Joel Lawrence 24/7/90 - 25/03/10


  • FormerMember

    Thank you all so much, I have never before truely appreciated just how much strength can be gained from the love and support of others.  I miss Joe so so much already and wish that you had all had the opportunity to get to know him because he really was a very special young man.  If any of you feel that you would like to know Joe a little better this is the link to his facebook page - I think you may find it both comforting and an inspiration!/polepie?ref=profile

    Much love, Zoe xxx

  • FormerMember

    With heartfelt sympathy for your loss. You are in my thoughts and I wish I could do something to take away your pain. Take care love leisha xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Zoe, I have only just seen your post about Joe. What a brave and courageous young man he was and he has the most loving mum. I am at a loss as to what I can say. As a mum myself,  I can only imagine the pain you are feeling.  My thoughts are with you and the family. May you find comfort and joy in your happy memories of Joe.

    love Angela xxxx

  • FormerMember

    My sympathy + love go out to you + your family-- take care + I hope the happy memories you have will help ease the pain xx lynda

  • FormerMember

    Sorry to read of yr sad lose .All ways remember you have all the memories of him to hold on to.

    He will always be there in yr heart .
