At peace

Less than one minute read time.

My son, my darling boy,

Want to hold you in my arms,

Feel the warmth of your skin,

The softness of your hair,

Shelter you from harm,

Ive cried a million tears,

But they can never heal this pain,

What i'd give to see the light of life,

Shine on your face again.

Rest in peace my darling boy, Joel Lawrence 24/7/90 - 25/03/10


  • FormerMember

    Hugs for u zoe - RIP Joel


  • FormerMember

    so sorry for your loss zoe

    love sharon x

  • FormerMember

    Dear Zoe

    my heart goes out to you and your family. How tragic to lose your lovely boy at such a young age.  I feel absolutely choked up reading your poem about Joel and I can't begin to imagine what you are going through at the moment. I have 2 sons of a similar age and your words really brought home to me just how precious their lives are .

    May you find some comfort now that Joel has been released from his pain

    sue x

  • FormerMember

    Nothing can express how everyone feels for you.  Your poem is a wonderful tribute to your son and the love you had.

    At least his suffering is over now, and he can look down on you and give thanks you were his Mum who cared so much for him.

  • FormerMember

    Zoe,  I cannot imagine how you must be feeling - I guess numb in a way.  

    I don't know wha tto say other than Joel obviously knew how loved he was, and some children never have that in a lifetime.  My heart goes out to you from one mum of a son to another.  Jeanie xx