On a scale of 1 to 5, how normal was today??

1 minute read time.

Well, let's see...

I went to work, it was a nice quiet day so did some admin/organising stuff, Liz the counsellor lady that appeared when I decided the centre needed one (grins, I like the way the Universe works)  took me for lunch, sorted out some training, picked Deri up, dropped Megan at work, had dinner, Pam came to see me, arranged lunch with Lynne on Sat, and its 10 pm and I'm not feeling shit! :)) 
BUT< I will still go to bed before 11 anyway to keep feeling good :)Mum tried to be super helpful by offering to be here for 6 to take Megz, and to pick her up too. But Megz may not finish til late, and also, my mum has a dodgy hip and knackered lungs, and I really need her to be there on my crap days! So I said no, and took Meg myself and got Meg a lift home ;)

Ok, maybe not completely normal. I want to go with Deri to Legoland! I want to not have tubes coming out of my chest so I can make love! I am not saying ''why me'', because I know I CAN handle the chemo and get better, it's all the other frustrations and awkwardness-es and inconveniences ! BUT - let's see what the PET scan say sat end of month and then I will have a better idea of how long the treatments will be for and how long I wear the Boob Tube ;)
And, big releasing, with a wry smile, *sigh* ;)

  • FormerMember

    Big big hug to you my lovely Welsh Cariad and I can't believe you are managing to go to work and still be awake and doing stuff- I take my hat off to you..

    You are doing a great job there dealing with all of this and more so pat on the back to yourself and compensate with shiny things... not quite the same as sex, I know, but not bad and  I have a little blue bag you can borrow if you get too desperate ha ha

    Big bug ooops big hug bug whatever hug

    Little My xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    I think you're doing amazingly well at the moment - I can't believe you''ve even got the energy to think of sex, never mind do it!  Must be good chemo you're on!

    I'll be keeing my fingers crossed for a good result at the end of the month. In the meantime, Shaz (Nanny B) can send you an Ann Summers catalogue (I think she gets commission because she keeps offering them out!).

    Stay strong, Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Full of admiration for you that you are keeping to a relatively normal routine. I was unable to work...think that may have been down to also having had major cardiothoracic surgery 6 weeks before I started chemo, but was unable to do much at all, apart from sleep and eat. Used to do ONE activity (shop, washing) in the morning and that was me done. On a good day I prepared the evening meal, but could not lift pans.

    I know what you mean about the line. I just felt inhuman, and as I had 3 over 3 years, and the scars from when they were removed, I really have developed poor body image.

    Good luck with the PET. Don't forget to take your CD in


  • FormerMember

    LM - blue bags of blue movie?? LOL! Thank sweetie

    Ann - I always did have a strong libido, maybe its not always a good thing eh?! Thank you hun :)

    Stinker - My work is not physical although it can be mentally draining (run a centre dealing with DV)  and I can rest when I like ... I have not had surgery though so hats off to YOU for trying to cook after surgery! I don't mind scars, but tubes are something ELSE! ;)

    PET not for a few weeks yet, guess that gives me a chance to decide on what music to take? ;)

    Thanks all of you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Niece is up for promotion (she works in our local Ann Summers shop) so I am trying to boost her sales :)

    You are doing well love, and mum will continue the way she is because thats what they do, even when things arent so great for them. (did that make sense?)

    My Dave is the patient and we live on memories of sex ha ha. will jump his bones one day :)

    Dave had a PEG for months so understand about the tubes, he calls it his Vietnam war wound, not sure who is more divy, him (well we know he is a fruit and nut at the moment) or the people who believe him.

    Good luck with your scan love.

    Shaz ((((((((xxxx))))))))