Glow in the dark

1 minute read time.

So tomorrow, I go off to the Heath (rather be swept off by Heathcliffe but you can't have everything) in Cardiff For the PET Scan (nope, no ducks or dogs will be involved) to be injected with glow in the dark stuff but instead of throwing star shapes I have to sit perfectly still for 90 minutes. . . so I'm taking a book!! I can't have anyone sit with me as I'll be very radioactive so I guess it's another opportunity for chilling out with a book eh?

After 90 minutes they then out me in the bigger version of the giant polo I went in for the CT scan, and lie there for 20 mins. By then it'll be lunch time and I'll be ravenous! I can't have physical contact wirh any young children or pregnant people for 6 hours after being injected so good thing Deri is at her friend's for tea and her mum with bring her back late by which time I'll be huggable.

Then, hospitals are not done with me, because on the way home I have to pop in to my local (still no G&T's yet) for bloods to be taken ready for Chemo#4 on Wednesday.

Now, I am hoping that the possibility the doc mentioned will be a reality when I get my PET results... ie: that if the lumps have shrunk quickly enough I will only need 6 treatments. I am aware that the reality could be anything too. So, another waiting game... grrr to waiting LOL!

My hair. Well, instead of just falling out, it's thinning on top. I have a fringe. I have hair at the back. The bit in between is pathetic! Thankfully, being a full-blown hippy (see previous blog) I have those hippy hairbands which can be worn wide or thin so they are currently on 'fairly wide' mode ;)

So I'll take my weird hair (says the girl who used to have red dreadlocks in a previous life) and go and glow in an unsociable non-touchy way and then have more blood extracted and then maybe just lurk on the sofa with cups of tea and blink a lot ...................

  • FormerMember

    All your amazingly crap jokes made me smile which is good because - THEY POSTPONED IT UNTIL THE 10TH!¬!!! And whilst we were half way to cardiff! Grrrr. Never mind, I'll have had another chemo by then (tomorrow), so the lumps will be even smaller! :D




  • FormerMember

    Oh no! You would have thought they could have warned you sooner. Good luck with the chemo tomorrow.You do realise that your friends will have even longer to make dreadful jokes.

    Anyway, you get a dose of way hey hey on the NHS tomorrow. Who could ask for more ;-D


  • FormerMember

    Hi Cariad,

    Can't think of a crap joke to add to the repertoire, but here's a coincidence - my grandson was born in the Heath, twelve years ago! My daughter & son-in-law lived in Penylan.

    Hope Chemo 4 goes well for you.

    Love & hugs, Annie xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems, I've been out of circulation for a bit and am still catching up with everyone's activities (no mean feat on this new site - since we can't see what our friends have been doing!). Sorry to hear they've postponed your PET scan, it's so annoying when they have to do that at the last minute, but I hope it will be good news when you do have it and get the results.

    You seem to have the same hair problem as me. My hair's gone really thin with the chemo too and I had it cropped, but recently it's definitely more thin on the top and receding a bit from my forehead at the sides! It's also got very brittle and some of what is falling out has broken where it's been weakened by the chemo (you can identify the hair growth since chemo started - because the hair is much thinner and weaker at the shaft). There's also a bit more white growing in! I'm back at the hairdresser on Saturday to get it cut even shorter in the hope it will stop breaking. Might give the hairband thing a go too - since I'm not a hat person!

    Hope chemo 4 went ok - my 4th chemo is next Thursday - and it's my last!!! I'll be gadding about partying at the end of October when the cycle ends! Hope you're not feeling too knackered now.

    Take care, lots of love, Ann x