Did I mention the ducks?

1 minute read time.

Well, nice long sleep with no weird dreams, ok, rephrase that, no gory dreams, as mine are always a bit odd, its the nature of dreams isn't it?

I was rearranging a house with an ex, and setting up a stall selling clothes and food in the market. And why not? :)

AH yes, ducks. We had 7 to begin with, they were a 'rescue'. They roam freely in my mini field all day, and tucked up in their duck house (which was a present for my 40th birthday from my mum) at night. But, we have lost 3. Fox? Nah, they kill all of them at once usually. We have lots of mink round here, and they tend , my farmer friend tells me, to steal one at a time. So, we are down from 6 or 7 eggs a day to 3 or 4, and recently down to 1 or 2 .. I thought it was down to the season or something else random, but having wandered the field last week, found little 'nests' dotted about with eggs which will now be 'off'. So, less for me to sell at the local deli, and less for us to eat! Trouble is, having left the back half of the field to be wild, I cannot get trough it to check for any eggs at the back of the wildnerness. Dammit! These ducks are too cunning for me!

Wish I could train my dog to go find the eggs and carry them to me! Don't laugh, my farmer friends daughter HAS trained her springer spaniel to do just that for their chicken eggs - if he delivers them to her without dropping them, he gets biscuits! How fab is that? Will she hire him to me?!

Now all that is fine and dandy, the sack of food costs £6 and last 2 or 3 weeks, plus scraps from us, so they don't cost us really, but the issue now, since I'm all ill and feeble, is the ...

Mucking Out Of The Duck Shed.  Hmmm. Teenage girls are NOT tempted. May have to resort to bribery. I do have friends next door with lads of 19 and 25, and am thinking of recruiting them too!


  • FormerMember

    Play the cancer card- works well with boys of that age I find.. or at least it does with my boy.. he's 20 today! wow, how did I end up old enough to have a 20 year old... hmmm actually he would do it anyway, shame I can't send him round, but he's in Devon at the moment... he's a whizz with chicken sheds.

    Hope you are resting on that sofa my dear!!??


  • FormerMember

    I love ducks - what have you got - Aylesbury my fav but love mallards too. Foxes got my rabbits a few years ago that's why I keep them in the house now.

  • FormerMember

    I've mucked out horses, chickens, goats, pidgeons, but never ducks. All a load of shite. Deffo get those those lads on the job!

    I had Mink problems when I lived on a farm, bought a gun and soon had made a pair of mink slippers.

    Tim x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Cariad,

    Im Glad you got a good night sleep with no nightmares, lets hope it changes your sleep pattern.  Look after yourself and the ducks.

    Take care and be safe Big hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Dammit, the lads are working away for two weeks! It'll have to be my eldest's b/f or bribe my own.....

    Devon eh? Nice place, did you have him young then as you look so gorgeous LM? *grins*

    Yes, I sat on my mums sofa, then ate lunch at her table, then sat on her armchair, then came home and sat on my sofa again... can I have a gold star please?

    Daisy - mine are 3 Aylesbury cross Pekin and 1 Khaki Campbell.

    Tim - it's not too hard IF you have energy and a full immune system hehe! Ah well, bribing teens it is then ... if you're passing, I'll have some slippers too please :)

    Sarsfield - thank you hun!

    Big Hugs to you all xxxxxxxxx