Now it's not just him it's me as well:Do I really need a biopsy or can they go ahead a remove all of it

1 minute read time.

My husband got skin cancer 5 years ago.I've been looking after him.Now I                                                                   I have been told I have a BCC on my nose,inner side near where my glasses rub,,,,it will need a skin graft,

They were  one doctor short when I attended on Jube 2nd so the biopsy was not done.What i'd like to know is whether a biopsy  is essential or whether they could go ahead and remove the entire nodule without a separate biopsy

.I am already having a sad and  anxious time because my husband was having a check up and the doctor [not a consultant] told me I had something bad on my nose.She examined me without asking my husband to leave the room.. and broke my confidentiality and got a trainee to examine me without permission......He had just  had cryotherapy and was weak.We both got depressed and he could not eat much.He's 87 years old..Then it was Easter so I could not see my GP.I eventually got a hospital appt on 2nd June but nothing was done but repeat what the original doctor said.. and they were too busy to do a biiopsy then so they said they'd call me...

Now,could I skip the biopsy?I have read they can be dangerous as they spread the cancer cells and anyway he said it will need to be cut out so why can't they just cut it out and save money by doing just one operation?

My husband had  a biopsy for a rodent ulcer 2 weeks ago and they said it was too deep to remove xompletely so he'll need another op after they get the results....

He has an appointment tomorrow aboiut his scalp where he's had 2 ops and cryotherapy and ointment.I feel afraid of this doctor as  she's the one who broke my confidentiality.I thought she was seeing me on the 2nd June but I was seen  by a man.I don't know if she was embarrased as I  have told her i was very upset by her behaviour in April

We have no children and no relatives near by.I have angina too and arthritis.

I'm feeling alone and unspported

  • FormerMember

    Thanks for the responses.I spoke to my husband's consultant today at the clinic.Now I have got an appointment for my biopsy tomorrow.This doctor was so good and so feeling.My husband's biopsy on his nose was ok so he will only have that cream to put on his scalp for 3 days.

    And my biopsy will be at the   local hospital whereas  my husband had to go further .

    I asked this consultant if the biopsy can spead cancer and she said,not if it's ina lump on the skin.. she was so helpful I feel fortunate to have seen her

  • FormerMember

    I have not had the result for my biopsy yet and now I have found a red lump on my nose near the right nostril.I rang the hospital and they gave me an appt for July 17th.. and did not tell me what the biopsy showed...

    I am getting to feel at the end of my tether as my husband is strained as well and  am trying to cope/