Chemo Cycle 1 not much fun x

3 minute read time.

Hi guys, havn't been on here for a while so thought i'd stop being lazy and update. We had the most fantastic holiday in Italy and it was so what we all needed. I felt completly recovered from the surgeries, relaxed and got a lovely healthy looking tan. Most importantly we had so much fun together as a family. If anybody wants an Italian reccomendation let me know. The only problem was that we had to come home.....Boooo!

6 days later was the 1st chemo, i was nervous but yes not nearly as bad as i expected but still not much fun. The worst part was the steroids i could feel my pulse pounding for the 1st 24 hours, felt spaced out and didnt sleep most of the first night. I didnt fancy 3 more sleepless nights so i only took 1 of the steroid tablets. I felt nausea for the 1st 5 days wasnt actually sick but the yellow anti sickness tabs kept my food sitting in my stomach and just felt that it was going to come back up. So swapped to the others that help empty the stomach quicker sorry cant remember the names. Also the yellow ones gave me Niggling headache for 5 days. Food and drink tasted strange and couldnt think of anything i wanted stopped drinking tea for a week and had hot blackcurrent instead and had loadsa baked beans! Had Jelly mouth day 4 but it settled. Just felt gutted felt fab after hols and now it seems a step backwards.

So i had 5 days of feeling rough and tired not too bad i thought....5 days out of 21 I can cope. Felt back to normal until day 10 (except bad acne evil face spots-steroids again)....Then during world cup final my temp went up, down a bit up again, up again OMG couldnt eat anything not my fav chinese. Watched rest of the footy and tried to go to bed i know i know! I laid there not daring to sleep thinking im going against all they have ever told me so i got up and rang hospital. They told me to come in 1.30 am yawn! Had bloods taken, neutropenic so was admitted on IV antibiotics. Tempreture went quickly but wouldnt let me out until thurs as my neutrophils were Very low 0.13 then 0.16 then 0.12 no infection fighters! They relented and let me out because apart from the counts i was well so came home with oral antibiotics and told to return if felt unwell. (St Jame's hosp Leeds top place). The onc told me that i will have bone marrow injections for rest of chemos to prevent blood going as low as it did and hopefully no more hospital stays. The chemo totally wiped my immunity and she said i must be v sensitive.

HAIR started to come out day 12 and every day since in handfulls. Now on day 18 havnt got much left at all. Think this is happening quicker then it should nurse said id notice something before chemo 2.....understatement of the year id be dead not to notice this. There is hair everywhere even in the mash i was making yesterday rrgghh. My scalp was sore as hell. I would of shaved it all off except i havnt got wig yet..ive been twice but cant find 1 i like ive got 2 more ordered so 3rd time lucky i hope im getting desperate now. Got 2 more school runs to do(hair cling on pls). Ive been brave tho no tears shed id accepted it was going to happen.

I was tired day after i came home from hosp so whilst kids at school i went to bed and woke up 25 mins after school finished OMG dashed there with bed head, parked and forgot to put on handbrake(chemo brain) car rolled slightly into another no damage done and was sooo late nobody saw thank god! Ran into school with big apologies!!

So next chemo meant to be friday but cant see my neutrophils will have risen from 0.12 to acceptable in a week but you never know they might and the rollercoaster will start again.. hopefully a smoother ride this time.

Best wishes to you all xxxxxx








  • FormerMember

    Hi Kate,

                So sorry to hear about your rollercoaster ride and hope it is smoother next time. I'm afraid I must agree with the others and say you MUST take the steroids! I have to take one , three times a day for three days after chemo. They do keep me awake at night so they told me I can take one in the morning and two at lunchtime, so the gap until I go to bed is longer.....and it helps. Love to go to Italy, must put it on my list of things to do.

               Take care,

                      Love lizzie xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Kate,

    Sorry you had such a rough time of it with your first chemo. The steroids they give you to take for the days after chemo are also there to help with the anti-sickness side.

    Have to agree with everyone else about the temperature, keep an eye on it and ring for advice if it goes up!

    Good luck with the next dose, hope it's less eventful for you!

    Bad Fairy x