The start

1 minute read time.

I noticed I couldnt swallow properly. I went to my GP who sent me to hospital for tests. For some reason at my first appointment the doctor couldnt see the cancer in the larynx. This  caused an unnecessary delay. In the end after more tests it was found. I complained that one doctor to check is not good enough, or at least a film should have been made of it.

Anyway I was admitted into hospital for a biopsy. Due to my age they were not prepared to do just radio and chemo but also surgery. I think this was a mistake since now my life has  completely changed. I of course had an anesthetic. This caused multiple problems and I would advise anyone undergoing this to be prepared. I had to have a catheter inserted and my bowels didnt work either. The cancer hospital was not prepared for this and didnt know the correct treatment for bowels disorder like St Marks hospital. They gave me enemas and what not which didnt help. The correct treatment being some kind of colon irrigation. They waited till I was almost bursting before inserting the catheter. The doctor who did it was very rough and it really hurted me and I had to have it  taken out  it out and reinserted.  To be continued

  • I havent posted for quite some time. I have now had my eleventh endoscopy and things are improving. I am losing less blood but still have to have transfusions. At the moment my HB is 80 which is still very low but they wont transfuse until it is under 70. 

  • I have now had another blood transfusion. My hb was 80 and the two doctors didnt want me to have it but in the end gave in that I should have one unit.

    I was told to come back the next day for it and the blood would be ready without having to wait four hours for it. 

    It seems it wasnt so they gave me universal negative although I am positive. 

  • i havent posted for some time, so here is a bit of what has been happening. I have had my fifteenth endoscopy, which is for widening the hole to the stomach. It is supposed to be 16mm but mine had contracted to only 10. They managed to make it up to 13mm but it is still not wide enough  to swallow only small tablets so I have to crush them. My mouth isnt improving and it is real work to eat. I have to make sure it is soft and even then it is difficult to swallow. The only thing which goes down easily is tea. They dont tell you in advance that your this opening to your stomach can contract.  I still have to sleep sitting up and my stoma needs continual cleaning. I dont nebulise at all. I also have difficulty walking and am always short of breath. i have lately learned how to type a mobile message on a PC which is helping me a lot .