The start

1 minute read time.

I noticed I couldnt swallow properly. I went to my GP who sent me to hospital for tests. For some reason at my first appointment the doctor couldnt see the cancer in the larynx. This  caused an unnecessary delay. In the end after more tests it was found. I complained that one doctor to check is not good enough, or at least a film should have been made of it.

Anyway I was admitted into hospital for a biopsy. Due to my age they were not prepared to do just radio and chemo but also surgery. I think this was a mistake since now my life has  completely changed. I of course had an anesthetic. This caused multiple problems and I would advise anyone undergoing this to be prepared. I had to have a catheter inserted and my bowels didnt work either. The cancer hospital was not prepared for this and didnt know the correct treatment for bowels disorder like St Marks hospital. They gave me enemas and what not which didnt help. The correct treatment being some kind of colon irrigation. They waited till I was almost bursting before inserting the catheter. The doctor who did it was very rough and it really hurted me and I had to have it  taken out  it out and reinserted.  To be continued

  • I am short of breath. Very short. on Wednesday night I thought it was the end. I had blood coming out and couldnt breathe although my stoma was clear. My legs had cramp and  I emptied quite a lot of blood  until my breathing returned. They said my stoma is at fault. It isnt i had nebulised and cleaned it before going to sleep. I have had a stoma for six months and know by now when it is blocked. 
    Anyway i can hardly walk my breath is too short. 
    Of course I have my other problems but these are the  most important now. Can you see about the bleeding and my breathing.
    Thanking you
    REPLY from surgeon
    I think you should go to casualty if you are that short of breath
    At a guess a full blood count to check you are not anaemic and a chest X-ray would be wise
    I have to leave this to the general medical team to decide upon but I agree problems with the stoma are unlikely unless very crusty or narrowed
  • Letter to GPPatient was admitted to our hospital on 25 March with a 2 week history of shortness of breath, lethargy,general malaise and haemoplysis.He had a low blood pressure and Hb of 49. He was transfused 3 units of blood and his Hb steadily increased up to 112.He had an endoscopy on 27 March which demonstrated fresh blood seen in buccal cavity, gastric pull up and D1. No fresh or altered blood on D2. The origin of blood loss appeared to be from radiation induced mucosal inflammation high in the gastric pull up(buccal cavity to 24 cm). The mucosa was oozing blood circumfrencially and argon plasma coagulation was applied. He recovered well and had a repeat OGD as per planned on 29 March.

  • I have not recovered but I have still been losing blood and have been in hospital for three days so far with nothing being done and on starvation diet. Every day they told me i would have the endoscopy and therefore was not allowed to eat and the day past without me having it. I have still not had it but again was told tomorrow. I was not allowed to eat or use the peg only had a drip so I do not dehydrate. I was again moved three times to different wards. I was first in the acute ward then sent to a gastric ward who did not want me since i have a stoma so they sent me to the cancer ward. Instead of telling me it was cancelled they just let me starve, see further. Today the registrar came and told me it was never booked in so no wonder no cancellation notice. But they still made me starve letting me think it was booked in for every day but cancelled. I know the NHS is in dire straights but this is the wrong way to save money on patient meals. As it happens I have never ever in all my lengthy stays partaken of any hospital food or drink.

  • FormerMember

    Goodness, I am a retired nurse and to be honest I feel ashamed to hear of your experience. I have also had cancer and experienced some of the problems you have encountered and I know how horrible it is to feel out of control and scared especially when you cant get the help you need, There is no excuse for a lot of the things you have mentioned and I would be getting in touch with PALS if it were me. Keep on bloggin it helps.


  • Today I had my fourth endoscopy which I hope will at least stop my bleeding. So far I have had 11 units of blood transfusion. I hope soon to copy the letters of the doctors to my GP. Over Easter I was in Manchester and fainted through too little blood. I was taken to HOPE hospital now called Royal Salford where they gave me six units. But they were unable to do endoscopy since I have a stoma. Hopeless would be a better name, I suppose Manchester people dont get ill so have no need for it. Shall write further.