fed up with soaps depicting cancer

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Is it me and my family who are fed up with soaps including cancer in story lines, they and the actors have no idea what we  cancer sufferers go through (Ive had cancer three times now) I know  they say its educational  but its all about ratings, the latest one is a joke terrible acting I know everybody deals with cancer differently but come on writers if your going to put cancer into soaps get it right please..I dont normally write blogs but feel very strongly about this and would like to here what other people  think.

  • Hi and I do so agree with all of the comments about the depiction of cancer in soaps, I watch Home and Away and at the moment one of the characters has had a double mastectomy to try and obviate the chance of her getting breast cancer as her sister died of just that and she has 'the gene', and she is lying in bed there moaning and being in terrible pain?! and having had a mastectomy myself to rid my breast of a grade 3 cancer,  I just wanted to scream and throw something at the TV.  Maybe proper research would have helped but then I suppose it wouldn't have been so dramatic.

  • And having read your comment LynnMacW, you are so right - that depiction is nothing short of insulting to the rest of us.  If they can't at least make an attempt to get it right I wish they would just not keep off the subject altogether, or maybe , just maybe they should come onto our website and read our thoughts on the subject.

  • FormerMember

    Yes I was only saying the other day every time you put on television another character as got cancer it's bad enough with all the well known people we have lost recently I appreciate cancer is everywhere but I watch television to forget am also fed up opening mags and seeing so called celebs saying ng my brush with cancer o my cancer scare us who have gone through it don't want it in our faces publishers and producers take note !!

  • Sadly the average soap story seems to need to play out in a maximum of 6-8 weeks. So if they can't kill off the cancer patient in that time span, the writers seem to need to give them a miracle cure. Then they can move on to the next big plot line and forget about what happened completely.

    I thought there was a plot line in Downton Abbey where the Scottish housekeeper had a 'lump' in her breast (which must have been very serious back in DA days) and yet it was never spoken of again and she went on to marry the butler and live happy ever after.

  • FormerMember

    Absolutely agree with all the comments so far.  My solution is to stop watching any soaps and email the TV producers to tell them why.  If they can't portray illness realistically then they should steer clear.