Saturday 28th September 2015

4 minute read time.

So last night was horrible, I went to bed ready to sleep and feeling exhausted and then all of a sudden a massive feeling of dread and panic washed over me, and 1000 thoughts went rushing through my head, after getting up and having a cigarette, then going back to bed, then getting up again having some paracetamol and more cigarettes I finally calmed down and got some sleep (albeit disturbed), then this morning looking on this site it was suggested that writing things down, my thoughts, my feelings, my worries as it may help to off load, even if it is to a laptop and you won’t get any response…. So here goes….

The lyrics to Queens “ The show must go on” springs to mind, specifically “Inside my heart is breaking, my make-up may be fading, But my smile still stays on”……..

I am so worried about everything and feel guilty that a lot of my thoughts are selfish and just keep thinking “WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO ME!!!????”…

I am so worried that I don’t know how much time we have left together, he hasn’t been himself for a while now, and feels like he is getting worse and worse by the week (especially the pain), and we hear “he might have an infection” so more medications are thrown at him “it could be exhaustion” well duh!!! He hasn’t slept properly in months of course he is exhausted!!! But my worry is… is this part of the progression of the disease? Is it just down hill from here? Why can’t they sort out the right meds so he is not in pain???

Then my mind goes to, we still have a lot to discuss and sort out. We need his will to be put into place. We need to tell family and friends! I feel by not telling them I am robbing them of time, but then I need to support and abide by his wishes. Does he want to plan his own funeral or just leave it to me?

Then thinking specifically about the will, if it’s not in place then by law what I will be left with will be substantially reduced which comes with its own worries.

Also should he have an Advance Directive and give me power of attorney just in case the situation deteriorates fast, but when is the right time to do this and have these conversations, am I just trying to do too much too soon?

And what is going through his mind, how does he feel? Whats his thoughts? Worries? Concerns? Or is it just a case of hi, wanting the pain to go and doesn’t have the capacity or inclination to deal with anything else!

Then my mind jumps to the selfish part, What about me??? I don’t want to be alone! I don’t want to have to start again! What about the house??? I will need to sell but then where will I live? What about all our possessions? They won’t fit into anything I can afford so do I sell them? Throw them away? Give them to charity?

Then there are the thoughts of having to stay in our home for months alone whilst I sort things out and sell the place… the thought feels me with dread.

Then after all this and more comes flooding into my head, I realise that am being selfish he is here still and we need to make to most of what time we have left together.

I have been offered a job to start on the 12th October, money isn’t great but it will pay the mortgage at least, and have another interview on Monday, and think that job will be better for me (more money too) if I get it, but then I am thinking is this the right time to return to work, shouldn’t I stay home and care for my husband and spend as much time together as possible, but if we have the full 12 months left then if I don’t work all our savings will be gone and we could lose the house.

It’s hard to know what is the right thing to do…… I want my mum lol

Well I think that’s a lot of my worries and concerns although there are always more. Strangely I do feel a little better although there are no answers and there are likely to be a lot more questions, but hopefully for today at least this has relieved some of my anxieties.

  • FormerMember


    If I can give you something from the other perspective

    All the questions you are asking yourself he is asking of himself

    I have been extremely lucky and after the most horrible year I slowly on the mend. There were times I thought I wasn't going to make it and I was more worried about leaving my wife than dying

    It is rhe thing that most of us would rather not discuss but itbrings everything into perspective

    When diagnosed I sat down with my wife and wrote a contingency plan between us in the event of either one of us passing away and what would the kids do

    It sounds to me like you already have most of the questions in your head. Incidentally your husband has the same ones in his head

    Sit down together with a piece of paper, draw a line down the middle, on one side your questions on the other the action required. It is much easier when you start to write it down and start thinking logically

    An example.

    Q what about the mortgage

    À Speak to your lender now. They are extremely sympathetic amd wil almost certainly give you a repayment holiday,generally a year but they will review and help you further

    You'll find find credit card companies are the same

    Ok so that's one question answered. Not an easy conversation but a very necessary one

    Start writing the questions down between you. You'll be surprised at how similar your concerns are

    And like all things, once it's all out in the open it makes it much easier to talk about

    6 months ago I rhought i would be leavong my wife alone. I couldn't eat or sleep (and I'm the one with cancer.) Amd neither could my wife. The last few months I've had with her have been so much better

    Come on here and talk about it, people will help you

    Best wishes to you both

  • FormerMember

    Sorry, forgot to say

    When I was REALLY ill all I wanted to do was

    1 make sure my wife and kids would be ok

    2 not be in any pain

    My wife and I sorted the first one out and a frank and open discussion with my consultant sorted out the second one

    There is no reason that your husband should be in pain

    Good luck

  • FormerMember

    Firstly, thank you for your comment and I am very pleased you are on the mend.

    I would also like to thank you for your advice, we (me and my husband are both very practical people, and we have had a brief conversation already, and I have made a list of some of the practical things we need to do, which has been sitting on the side waiting for him to have a conversation about, however he has/is fighting an infection at the moment so is very tired, heavily medicated and his head is all over the place.

    I intend to talk to him about things next week, and you say I am sure he has similar thoughts, its just at the moment he doesn't want to tell the family so just feel slightly isolated. Thanks for reading my rant and taking the time to respond.

    I wish you and your family health, wealth and happiness and to you personally a speedy and full recovery.



  • FormerMember

    Thank you again, and I agree with the pain element, we are in talks with his palliative care team regarding the pain, and trying new meds, but the pain is worse by the day. We have a visit on Tuesday from them, and seeing the consultants the following week.

    Thanks very much.

  • FormerMember


    not a problem

    I managed to get hospitalized via A and E twice with infections. Not pleasant and I think that's when I was at my very lowest. Most of the.last year I've spent in a morphine induced stupor and like your husband my head was all over the place as I guess yours is too

    My only concern was how was my wife ever gonna cope. Interestingly through all of that time I wasnt in the slightest bit concerned about myself

    May I ask what pain relief has yours husband been given

    I remember writing in my diary about 6 months ago 'if j can get this ****ing pain under control I can handle this'

    Once that was under control amd my wife amd and i jad ou contingency place i resigned myself ti whatever might happen and put faith in my medical team. From that point on I and more.importantly my wife were totally awareness what might happen but both felt we could deal with whatever was thrown at us

    Please come on here and air you're worst fears, we have all had them

    You are not alone, either of you