Radiotherapy - reassurance needed please

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Hi all,

This is my first post - ever, anywhere!!

I've had four out of my six chemotherapy treatments for breast cancer. It looks like they will suggest radiotherapy before surgery to try to reduce the tumor further. Somehow, its the radiotherapy that gives me the most anxiety, more so than chemo and surgery. I guess I don't understand how it works and how it will affect my body. And if I'm honest it feels a bit scarey and brutal to blast rays at my body.

Has anyone who has had radiotherapy before or after surgery got any reassuring words or advice on what it will be like, what is the fatigue like compared to chemo fatigue. I need to get back to work for financial reasons and I'm finding it hard to plan. Cancer is hard for a planner! You know, when you're that person who likes to know what's happening in life, when it will happen and what the plan is :)   Kind of gone out of the window.

How do you cope with radiotherapy? Any tips, advice please.

Thank you


  • FormerMember

    Brilliant post Mandi.  I'm glad you were able to give some reassurance from personalexperience 

  • Hi Kate, I do know how you are feeling. I had breast cancer about 13 years ago treated with radiotherapy and tamoxifen (changed to Arimidex because of the side effects). I had radiotherapy again last September because it was back (in a different place).

    I was very apprehensive about the first lot of radiotherapy and the first 3 sessions lay there with tears pouring down my face. For no apparent reason. It was okay after that at the sessions. I didn't suffer any real skin problems other than it felt hot, but I used to apply cream immediately after the radiotherapy and often as possible throughout the day. I had 15 sessions and got steadily more wacked. If I sat down anywhere I fell asleep.It took me a year to get over and when I went to work again I kept on picking up any infection going. But I did improve.

    This time my radiotherapy lasted just as long but seemed easier. I just counted down the days.. 1 third done, 1/2 done, only 5 days to go sort of thing. The radiotherapy isn't as bad as the thought of it. Just be very kind to yourself and listen to YOUR body. Everyone reacts differently so don't try to compare or keep up with others. If YOU need to rest DO SO. Ready meals are a boon if you are too tired to cook. If anyone offers help please accept it. It does make a big difference when you are really tired, but if you can try to do things that you enjoy it does boost your spirits a little

    Really hope it all goes well for you.xx

  • FormerMember

    Thank yo so much everyone. And thank you to Mandi and Alive :)

    It helps so much to hear that we can and do get through this. It's like I'm counting down til end of FEC chemo - only two more sessions to go, but then it's not such a celebration as it's radiotherapy next. But at least that's chemo done :)
    I can do all I can to get prepared, physically and emotionally I guess, so thank you so much for the tips and advice and encouragement. Cold packs sound good - I hadn't heard of that, and I will ask my consultant what they do to help prepare for radiotherapy. It does feel scarey so seeing the department and meeting the staff ahead of time sounds a good idea so I know more what to expect.

    I will make a start on learning and doing the exercises ahead of radiotherapy and surgery. I have bought a yoga DVD which has specific exercises for post-breast surgery. Will let you know how I get on.

    And thank you for saying about the tears. Most of the time I feel I'm doing pretty amazing considering but those tears do pop out of seemingly nowhere sometimes, I think partly being so tired. I think the radiotherapy may set my eyes leaking again off but for now I'm off out to walk in the rain and breathe and make the most of my 'good week'. xx

    Thank you so much everyone