Expat Brit currently being treated overseas...my HPV journey

  • Oncologist appointment: First "follow-up" and ordering breakfast


    Last Thursday (1 March) I had the joy of a 07:15 physio appointment re mild lymphoedema (neck) which resulted in them saying it's virtually nothing so actually I can just pop in for occasional reviews. Result. Frankly I wasn't going to be wearing the bizarre head and neck harness at night. Tried it and it was an utter mare...I looked like Marley's Ghost! My wife called it a "head bra"..enough said.…

  • Step back in time...actually, when you're 50, you can't do what you used to do when you were 18!


    Well, it is now 28 February 2018, just over 6 months post diagnosis. Oh, and it is 11:40 am my time (Qatar)...so that'll be 08:40 am back in the UK, where I believe you are dealing with some pretty grotty weather. At least you have trees! Anyway, I digress...back to the "here and now".

    I decided to write this blog because it suddenly struck me, as I read my profile, that it was more in the form of a "blogesque…