The Cheering Squad

  • Hair We Go Again! Learning to live with cancer


    It’s been a while since I felt compelled to write, but 6 months in to a 2 year maintenance programme designed to keep me in remission from leukaemia I feel the urge.

    Maintenance means I am still at the hospital most weeks for blood tests where I share a waiting room with so many people with head scarves, wheelchairs, pale skin etc, a reminder of what I’ve been through. I’m still taking chemo tablets at home every…

  • The Merry Go Round of Cancer


    This summer I had an epiphany, at long last a turning point with a sign post that said ‘living’. My husband and I were going to a wedding, having our first night away without the children in over 2 years, how exciting!

    But facing a room full of people is daunting for anybody when you don’t know most of them and those you do are acquaintances you haven’t seen for 30 years. Throw in a chemo inflicted patchy hair…

  • Motherhood and Cancer


    So let’s start by being very honest. As a parent have you ever moaned about the school play or begrudged the school run? Have you wished you were child free just for a few hours?  Have you chatted on your mobile at the school gate, or used technology while your child is trying to talk to you. I’ve done all of those things, until the day I was told I had leukaemia and wasn’t allowed home for 6 weeks. By the time I got…