
2 minute read time.

Approx two years ago a scan found ovarian cysts. I had had them before they had gone away,been took out via laparoscopy.I was younger and much fitter then. just a daycase surgery and nothing more.

This time however me being diagnosed with a blood disorder that had already threatened my life it was decided to scan and do ca125 blood test.

In November I saw my consultant we discussed the scan he said no change and my blood was taken again.

December 23 I went after receiving an unexpected appointment. my ca125 levels are up and he wants more scans to be done.

It may or may not be cancer he said as other meds you take ABD other illnesses affect the reading but the scans should tell us.

My Christmas has been horrid, I'm crying all the time. no letter for a scan yet.

I don't want to leave the people I not ready yet just as my life got better with grandkids and my daughter has announced another baby her first is on the way.

Will I be here to meet this beautiful baby.

My grandkids get upset if I can't go out if I have a cold it's going to hit them hard.

My husband has gone to pieces and doesn't even want to talk about it.

The rest of my family I don't see or hear from for reasons I'd rather not go into.

I wish they would hurry the I can start the fight 

Only me and my hubbie know what's going on as I don't want to upset my daughter as she has lost babies before.

Im told normal blood test is 30 just over 30 you could have no cancer to stages 1a one ovary 1b two ovaries and elsewhere 1c.full hysterectomy.

This is through research.

If my cancer is severe I can claim ds1500 dla or pip. to help with costs of travel etc.

The sister said I'm not that bad as that's usually in your 100s.

Due to my blood condition he doesn't want to operate as he is afraid I'd bleed to death.

Tablets don't stay in my body long enough to work as I had a stoma fitted when a dvt killed part of my bowel. I don't have it know but still have lots of problems with food,eating,digesting,chronic diarrhoea.

During thus I also went for a pip assessment they took over 100 pound a month. so I can't keep warm,can't eat enough and much more. so how can I fight when I'm cold,all I'm having is crackers and cupasoup. Sometimes I have nothing and have to stay in bed all day to keep warm.

The pip assessor lied about my conditions and how they affect mandatory reconsideration was refused as they still believed him. we have complained and we are going to appeal this could take up to a year. I may be dead by then.

  • FormerMember

    <p>I am fuming the worrying I&#39;m doing has now got worse as they have changed my cancer diagnosis scan from 10 to the 15th. don&#39;t they care what I&#39;m going through and my husband is distraught.





    Idon&#39;t feel I matter anymore to them and that they have just given up on me.



    Ive not given up on me.nor has my husband and my grandkids wouldn&#39;t do either if they knew.



    Their pet turtle died today and we had tears.why does anyone have to die they said.ifciurse thus made me keel over with pride worry and helplessness.



    <br />





  • FormerMember

    <p>Thanks to everyone who has answered my blogs. the words of encouragement and information have been brilliant 



    McCann&#39;s has been moved from 10 th to 15 Jan now.



    More days and nights of worrying. it being Christmas hasn&#39;t helped either as I lost my dad when I was 8 as he was hit by a drunken lorry driver at this time of year. never been able to enjoy it like others do since then. new years day. Couldn&#39;t bring myself to wish anyone happy new year as if they are like me they won&#39;t want to hear it. so instead it was may the new year bring you love, life and joy and to the not so fortunate enjoy every day as every day is precious in one way or another to you and the people that surround you.



    Louis13- you don&#39;t fail when you have cancer,you prolong and enjoy. take it from someone who at 15 thought she had breast cancer and doc said that it wasn&#39;t. at 24 had cervical cancer. and now has cysts that have shown a raised ca125 waiting for a scan as stated above. 



    All we can do is fight and fight I shall


  • FormerMember

    <p>Well would of had my scan today and atleast been further with what&#39;s going on but they cancelled and it&#39;s now on 15 jan at 2.40.



    Busy times ahead got liver mri Saturday 13 th for liver specialist. then the one for gynae for ovarian cysts as above. then got gp 19 steroid inj in knee. awaiting ct scan for respiratory clinic,results of shoulder scan had last Tuesday,blood tests results last week,speech therapy appointment so I can talk hopefully, it&#39;s never ending.thanx for all your nice messages.been having pains in bottom of belly in breasts and sides.worried now,so worried
