Feeling anxious

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It's been 10 days since my surgery.  The dressings are off and the scars ate ugly.  It looks like the front of my breast was chopped off with an axe.  It is hard to look at my image in a mirror.  It seems so drastic when I feel so well.  I won't get my results for another few days on 20th December.  Will I need more surgery?   Did they get clear margins?  Will I have chemo and/or radotherapy? All these questions going round my head.  Should I go back to work while I am waiting for treatment to start?  I feel down and finding it hard to see a bright side.

  • FormerMember

    Hello Canterbury

    I want to send you a gentle hug,

    we are so used to to looking down and seeing are boobies for many years and now one is different we all need time to re adjust to our new look, I had trouble looking at mine after my lumpectomy and then got fluid build up so it made a glop glop sound when I walked so that became my party piece much to my partners cringes but it helped me laugh and become friends with my breast again, it all takes time to settle after surgery

    I fully understand the questions going round and round in your head, they are a pain in the butt I used to write them down in a note book to get them out of my head, I always kept the note book in my bag and got it out at the hospital appointments then tick off when I got the answers. I felt like a rabbit in the headlights at the appointments and this helped me  

    Everybody is different when it comes to work, you should chose what is right for you, I am self employed and worked throughout except for 5 weeks surgery as I wasn't allowed to drive, but if I worked for a company things might have been different

    I will keep my finger crossed for clear margins for you

    Debs x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Debs

    Thank you so much for your comments. I feel so helpless but it helps knowing other people have gone through all this.

    I work for my Local Authority and they have been brilliant. But I have already had time off this year after an operation on my frozen shoulder and then my Dad died in July. My treatment will be at the hospital which is 45 minutes drive each way at least. I feel guilty about taking so much time off but if I go back I worry about so much because of data breaches and deadlines. My husband says my health is more important.

    Tracey aka Canterbury

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tracey

    I totally agree with your husband, your health is more important, looking back I was so stupid trying to bargain with the surgeon about lowering the amount of time I would have off after the first op he wouldn't budge, then I had a light bulb moment that I am more important than work and ended up having the 2 ops and 5 weeks off.  when you get your results you will have a better idea of your treatment plan and make your decision in your time. remember its not your fault you had time off before and I bet you are giving yourself a harder time over work than they are. I found I am my worst critic. I have always had control of my life and the BC comes along and then the hospital takes over control which I didn't take kindly to. I have had to learn to wait patiently

    I am so sorry about your Dad my heart goes out to you  

    Debs xx

  • Hi Tracey

    I didn't go back straight away after my first op , mine went all a bit wrong and so I ended up having a mastectomy 7 months later with chemo in between. I went back for periods of time between each bit , but in total was off for about 25 weeks over the 10 months. What I didn't realise is that cancer is now covered by the disability act and so you do have more rights at work and so it may be worth asking work about what this means for you , but I would definitely say don't rush back to work , you have had a major life changing thing happen to you and you need to give your body and mind time to recover. See what happens after your appointment and what your next treatment plan is first.

    Good luck

    Jo x

  • FormerMember


    I had a lumpectomy and 3 nodes removed on 24 nov but my scars fir this really were not tobad ,but 15 dec I had to have a complete lymph node clearance as cancer was found in one of the three nodes , the side effects off this is I now have numbness under my arm and around the back of my arm but I think this was expected, I have weird dripping felling in my arm which I think is the fluid finding somewhere to go , I seem to be dealing ok with it and am very positive , but I know I will have down time's , I have clinic on thursday, my consultant asked for results as urgent, but I dout they will be back , id like to be able to no my treatment plan, I know at least ill have radiotherapy and hormone, and possibly chemo, I went back to work two weeks after my first surgery, have been signed of for 6 weeks this time but would like to work when I can , keep positive sending love xx