Personal coping strategies... my current top ten..

3 minute read time.

These are personal to me but might have value for others, and I should stress that the love and support of family and friends have been invaluable for me, above and beyond this list. Each will be personal to the individuals circumstances, state of health and personal choices. Im in the early stages of treatment for Hodgkins Lymphoma and fortunate to avoid many devastating symptoms and side effects commonly listed on this site. 

1) Music.. For me that is predominantly all forms of Soul music , but particularly Rare/Northern Soul, Jazz , Modern Gospel, Soulful House, Ska. Both on radio, in the car and when I get the chance at Northern Soul nights or weekenders . I can't begin to describe the rush and lift that this music provides me , and there are a lot of songs that have seen me through  my recent diagnosis. Ain't No Stopping Us Now , (Mc Fadden and Whitehead) Optimistic (Sounds of Blackness. ) Everythings Going to be alright. (PP Arnold. ) are my top three. 

2) Running . Im fortunate that Im still able to do 2-3 short runs a week , and the occasional park run. Im not a fitness freak but about 15 years ago found running provided me a some valuable 'head space' which is needed even more lately. It can be solo, pairs or club or event .. low on equipment and high on endorphins. Id really recommend  people check out Park Runs. Of course there are lots of opportunities for  Charity fund raising events . 

3) Comedy.. A very personal taste but priceless. I draw on anything from Norman Wisdom old films to Peter Kay and Big Bang Theory. Stand up DVDs prove a great source .. try 2nd hand car boot/Cash convertors/charity shops to save money. A smile goes a mile. !! 

4) Dancing .. (See music..) but for us this has included a dip into Latin and ballroom, T.dances but my passion is Soul music. Again a personal choice and dependent on the impact of your condition.. and treatment. 

5) Reading.. Lose yourself in a good book , escapism or therapy , . 

6) Cooking.. far more than a functional process. Its creative, dynamic, diverse, messy and fun. Providing a meal of any size and content is feeding the soul as well as the stomach. Im a big Jamie Oliver fan.

7) Film/Cinema therapy. (See comedy and music/ books) Again Im not a film anorak but really love trips to the cinema for escapism.. inspiration, tears and laughs . Works at home as well.. modern or old classics. There are a lot of survival stories out there, which often appeal to me. Recent recommendations... 

Hidden Figures.. Lion.. The Kings Speech... . There is also a school of film Therapy  worth looking at .. E- Motion Picture Magic : A movie lovers guide to healing and transformation. Birgit Wolz (Glenbridge)

8) Tai Chi.. did a taster session on holiday and dipped into it on our return . Helps me find my 'pause button ' in life. 

9) Church. (or service of your choice.) Very sensitive if you want it to be .. and Ive only made a few dips into our local C of E church  and a Quaker meeting,and find more good than bad and a positive warmth from the people and vicar. I must recommend  books by Dave Tomlinson here .

10 ) Macmillan .. In person and on line. Take and provide as much or as little as you need or can absorb. I suspect you won't need much persuading on this one. 

Well there's might current list. Id value reading your suggestions . Keep the Faith.Richnsoul. 

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Cajones.. .. yep I should have added my dog Lucy.. Westie .. , dog ownership and walking proven to extend life expectancy all round Im told. Love thrillers myself. R