I'm now part Lizard!

5 minute read time.

You might laugh, but it's true! I think the radiation has indeed mutated me - finally - but stillno signs of super powers, unless they've yet to develop.

So, I used to always be too hot. It didn't matter what the weather was doing, or where I was, I was always toasty warm. Snowing? Perfect temp for walking around in a short sleeved top. I even went to the ice bar in Oslo a few years ago, and was too warm and needed to remove the coat thing they have you put on. My worst nightmare was a bar with people and no open doors or windows. My friends all know that if we're off out somewhere that has a beer garden or outdoor seating, then they need to wrap up warm because I want to sit outside. Or if they come to my house, to wear a jumper because I don't do heating and usually have my windows open.


I'm flipping freezing. I've currently got two pairs of joggers on, two tops, wrapped in a fleece blanket, with a laptop on my lap, and Snugglebug on my shins and feet. Before you ask, nope, no socks on - because I'm not a monster. Lol. I don't understand people who can wear socks around the house. It's just wrong! Toes need to be free to wriggle at all times, not locked in a cotton prison! And don't get me started on the evil that is tights! All tights in the world should be put in a big pile and set alight, for us all to dance around in our bare feet!

............ I digress.

So, I'm now a heatseeker, though the heating still isn't going on because for now, the blanket and cat are working well. Plus, heating = money and cat = free. Well, kinda free. Little sods eat more than I do at the moment..... Stinkbug eats so much in fact, that he makes himself sick. Then he tries to eat the sick if I don't get there fast enough. Stupid kitten!

Now, what else makes me a lizard? I'm moulting! There are great sheets of skin peeling off me as if it's an exoskeleton I'm shedding ready to grow. Well, I don't want to grow outwards anymore thank you very much. There are plenty off at stores for my body to live on. I wouldn't mind growing some more height wise though. When I was younger I really wanted to hit 6', but I only ever got to 5' 10". :'( My face and hands are so dry, and the joints of my fingers are stiff and sore. Though it has given me something else to pass the time - trying to get the biggest sheet of skin off without ripping it. lol. Got one off yesterday the size of a 5p! Simple things.....  Then there's my legs, which actually look like they have scales. It's quite interesting to look at, as it looks like you can see each individual cell with a clear outline around it. A little like my legs are frosty you could say. I need to get myself one of those scrubbing brushes on a stick so I can reach down and give them a good exfoliate.

Side note, they should make razors with extendable handles too. Because I need something to rid myself of the forest! Especially because I'm determined to try and get to a swimming pool on a regular basis once I'm more up for it. Just need the pain to go down, the energy to go up, and the motivation to kick start - then I can go and try to shed a few pounds...... or just float like a dead body. Both work. lol. The water is really good, because it just gently holds you up and there's no pressure anywhere, which means the pain is reduced. It's not like walking or any of the other 'get fit' things,and is really good. I'd def recommend it for anyone in pain and just wanting to relax for a bit. The problem is the getting in and out, and everything that comes with it. (Changing, drying, showering, etc.)

And finally, what else makes me a lizard? A lack of moisture. Before this week, I had NO idea that fake saliva was a thing. And this week it has been dominated by it. lol. There are so many products and brands out there to stimulate/replace the moisture in your mouth and throat. It's been quite fascinating. I just need to see the doctor now to get some prescribed. But there's a problem with that.....

Called the doctor today to make an appointment to see the lady I like and who I feel listens to me..... only to find that she's left. I was offered appointments with other folks - locums - but my head couldn't get over the fact that the woman I had a rapport with, and who listened and understood and treated me like I had some intelligence - was gone. The named Doc doesn't even look at me when I'm in there with him, just stares at his computer screen and complains about technology and how he wants to go back to paper again instead of the computer. Then he talks to me like I'm a silly little girl who hasn't got two brain cells to rub together, and try to get him to talk about gynaecological stuff? Not a chance! He goes bright red and stutters.

So my mind just went 'no', and I didn't make an appointment. I've been sitting here for four and a half hours, and my head has just been going around and around with the thought that I need to see a doc, but I can't see the one I want. And this is upsetting and stressful - and ridiculous. lol. It's such an over reaction to something that's not that big of a deal really. And this is part of why I think I might have Aspergers. I still don't actually know what I'm going to do about it, too much mind swirling and not enough decision making! Ho well..... Got to take another pill, then get something to eat, and then maybe make a decision...... Maybe.
