2 yrs today the end of chemo

1 minute read time.

Don't post very often but thought I would share 2 years today was when I had my last of 8 R-Chop chemo and the roller coaster ride has continued but the noise reduces with time, as many of you know. So 2 years on and I am still a good stat and now targeting the 5 yr mark. So everyone going through treatment the is a light at the end of the tunnel and its shining bright for me.

It looks like I have been one of the few who have long term damage from the chemo and only now am I starting to get the support and treatment I need, back to hospital visits and consultants to sort out the cronic fatigue, respiritory and heart problems. For quiet a while eveyone said the problems will go with time but now they realise as do I they are here to stay, but so long as I continue to wake up each morning then I am very happy, without the treatment, I know I would not have made it to now, so still lots to celebrate and be greatful for.

Left ventricular failure, problems with the inferiour vena cava, cronic fatigue and periferal neuropathy but the one that is really bugging me is my upper left arm, I am losing mobility and muscle and it aches most of the day but no one can tell me whats wrong.

Has anyone else experienced any of these issues or is this the bit of me that is a bad stat, if so I can live with that.

Oh and if you have a drink this weekend toast with me all those lymphomaniacs and other cancer patients who are enjoying remission
cheers everyone


  • Hi Karen        been to see a nurologist on Thursday and they are going to do an MRI scan and the same tests as you, gp is at a loss to say what is wrong but when the consultant did some tests my whole left side has less feeling than the right and some reflex's did not respond to the little hammer ha ha.

    Interesting you get anti inflammatory tables and I was given tables for neuralgic pain and yes its good to share what we all are dealing with as often its similar and its still good to compare notes.

    small beer definately not, big beers all round, though no dinking and driving that mobility scooter Graeme

    take care   john